270 Win & Barnes 110 TTSX

Will Lee

New member
My intent with this post is to share some information for those interested in the subject.

My rifle of choice is the 270 Win Ruger M77 Hawkeye equipped with a Burris Black Diamond 8x32 scope.

I have been an avid deer hunter for the past 50 years and a dedicated reloader for the past 40 years. I cannot remember the last time I purchased a box of factory loaded ammunition. I have always shoot Nosler bullets in a variety of rifles over the years and have no complaints with that bullet. It has put a lot of deer in my freezer & some nice horns on the wall.

In 2009 I got interested in the Barnes TTSX 130 and loaded them with 57.5g of H3841sc & a COL of 3.340. This round was very accurate and put 3 deer in the freezer for me. One a nice 8pt, chest shoot at 225 yards (stand to feeder). Two does at the same range, both neck shoots.

In 2010 I decided to try the Barnes 110g TTSX because I was wanting a little flatter trajectory due to the distances of possible shots at our lease. I loaded the 110g TTSX with 57.5g of H4350, COL – 3.340, Velocity 3300 fps. Shoot 7/8” 3 round groups at 100 yards. Went to the lease and took a really nice 10pt at 225 yard. The bullet entered just behind the left shoulder and exited just behind his right shoulder. The bullet shattered ribs on entry and exit, exit wound was approximately 2.5”. The heart & lungs were torn to pieces. I was amazed at the damage that bullet caused. After impact the buck ran for 10 yards & dropped. I had one concern with this round and it was the COL which resulted in a very shallow depth of the bullet. I was unable to find any information concerning seating depth for this bullet.

This year while in Cabela’s I found that Federal loaded the 270 win with the Barnes 110 TTSX with an advertised velocity of 3400 fps.. When I examined the round I saw the seating depth was much deeper than the rounds I was loading. I bought the box and measured the COL, it was 3.22. With my rifle still set for the COL round of 3.340 I shoot a 3/4” group one half inch right of zero point. I was surprised to say the least. So far this hunting season I have taken 2 does at 220 yards both neck shots with devastating wounds and 2 pigs both broadside head shoots at the same range. Bullets exited the pigs skulls leaving a large exit wound.

I have written to Federal requesting information on the powder type used in their loads but have not received anything from them as of the date of this post.

I hope that this post is not to lengthy but I wanted to let the 270 fans out there know what the Barnes 110g TTSX was capable of doing in the field.

Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions or comments.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Good to know, thanks.

I am using the 110gr TTSX in my 15" Encore 7mm-08. I've only shot one deer but it was "BANG!", Flop! The bullet performed exactly as you describe except the exit wound, probably because I'm only at 2,835 from the 15" barrel.

I'm sure you already know, but OAL is relevant only to your gun so long as the bullet is seated far enough to stay in place.

In the near future, I expect the areas I hunt to be legal for rifles. Right now, I'm leaning toward getting a 270win barrel for my Encore.... load data suggests just shy of 4,000 fps from an 85gr TTSX, which I just have to see! :eek:

Anyway, thanks for the info.

Will Lee

New member

Did not mean to imply that I would use factory ammo seating depth as something I would go by when reloading. I was just surprised that the factory round OAL was 0.019 shorter than I was loading and produced a tighter group and only 1/2" off Zero point.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Hey peetzakilla, thanks for the reply. Cartridge Over All Length & Seating Depth can affect accuracy. Here is a good article from Guns America that details this very subject.


Certainly, I only meant that no particular length is generically correct since you seemed concerned about the length difference between your rounds and factory ammo.
I probably misinterpreted your meaning.

My TTSX rounds are considerably longer than factory ammo. Loading for an encore, the chamber is my only concern, with no magazine to fit.


New member
I am using the 110gr TTSX in my 15" Encore 7mm-08. I've only shot one deer but it was "BANG!", Flop! The bullet performed exactly as you describe except the exit wound, probably because I'm only at 2,835 from the 15" barrel.

I'm sure you already know, but OAL is relevant only to your gun so long as the bullet is seated far enough to stay in place.

In the near future, I expect the areas I hunt to be legal for rifles. Right now, I'm leaning toward getting a 270win barrel for my Encore.... load data suggests just shy of 4,000 fps from an 85gr TTSX, which I just have to see!

Anyway, thanks for the info. Don't understan what your say here..You useing a 7mm08 and yet rifles are not legal????????????

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Yep, it's a handgun.

Pistol grip and 15" barrel. Cartridge is irrelevant. :)



New member
I know New York has got some pretty messed up regulations..Rifles are legal here,but across the road a few yards,shotguns only..Go figure...

black mamba

New member
Monolithic bullets like the TSX generally give similar, if not greater, penetration and killing power to cup and core bullets at least one full class heavier. 110 gr .270s compared to 130s. 130 gr .308s compared to 165s. 185 gr .338s compared to 225s.

These lighter bullets usually don't have very good BCs, so they are not really long-range bullets, despite the high velocities they can be loaded to. But out to 300-350 yards, they are real killers.

Congrats on finding some great loads!