.270 convertible to .30-06?


New member
+1 Mapsjanhere

You're better off with the '06 brass. Time and effort spent prepping and sizing better spent on proper brass.


New member
I agree........

....30-'06 brass is easy to come by. The two cartridges headspace the same but .270 brass is slightly longer. I have a .270 and I've used plenty of 30-'06 brass. It makes more sense to go from '06 to .270 'cuz ya don't have to trim the brass. For my long range accuracy loads I always use real .270 brass but at 100 yards I can't tell any difference. Maybe at 300 but I haven't tested the difference that far out. I would only do the .270 to '06 change if I was desperate for '06 brass as if there was some national shortage or whatever. There are some guys at the gun shows that all they do is buy, sell, and trade brass. What you're thinking is safe, troy, just probably not worth the trouble when .30-'06 brass is so ubiquitous. I'd bet there's folks that turn .30-30 Winchester into .32 Winchester Special; a conversion that makes more sense.


New member
You will end up with the wrong head stamp on the finished case. Not a good idea. I turned a 30-06 into a 270 once by accident, That was a funny looking case. Went right to the disposal bin.



New member
I used '06 brass for many years because .270 brass was so hard to scrounge. I would use an engraving tool to strike out the head-stamp in an attempt to reduce the possibility of confusion.
Of course those were years that brass didn't last like it dose today from trying to get as many FPS as i could out of them:eek::eek:


New member
My rifle can't read headstamps.

I still use plenty of '06 brass in my .270. My rifle doesn't know the difference. The ammo doesn't look funny at all to me. You have to look close to see the difference. I don't bother to alter the head-stamp as there is no safety issue. The worst that could happen is shooting a .270 round in an '06 rifle and accuracy would be dismal. I don't believe a .30-'06 round will chamber in a .270 rifle. You could probably chamber a .308 Winchester or .300 Savage round into a .270 and the results would likely be disasterous if you pulled the trigger. Label your reloads. Always make sure you have the proper ammunition for your firearm. Reloading is not for everyone. But then, neither is driving.


New member
You will end up with the wrong head stamp on the finished case. Not a good idea. I turned a 30-06 into a 270 once by accident, That was a funny looking case. Went right to the disposal bin.

I have made shells for many obsolete rounds by forming brass from another cartridge.

Case head marking is way down on the list of problems.

'The Manual of Cartridge Conversions' covers hundreds of rounds.


New member
recently '06 has been hard to come by, and .270 is plentiful down here.i might try to convert a few to see how difficult it is.

5R milspec

New member

hey if thats what you want to do go on and do it.it want hurt one thing.I am a brass hog when I leave the range.I use 7mm/08 for 308/even made 270 and 30/06 out of 25/06 brass.even 243 into 308.but one thing to remember is to keep them labeled just as one has already said.yea you will have to trim them after you resize to a 30/06 but it want be that much of a pain.but the one thing I do not like to do is to size the brass down to a smaller case size.then you have to turn the necks or ream them.and if you do not want to resize them then send them my way.one cannot be to pickey these days.heck if things get any worse we all will have to convert brass to something else.just hope that doesn't happen.then I want be able to pick up the brass other people do not want.so go and load some.


New member
I have quite a bit of .270 Win. brass, but still scrounge a few pieces sometimes from ranges. Some of that scrounged brass is .30-06, but I just resize them to .270 Win., and keep the resized '06 brass bagged seperately, kept as "spares".

I very much prefer to trim all factory brass, especially once fired from factory loads because the factory crimp tends to leave the rim of the case mouth kind of thick. Sizing up from .270 Win. to .30-06, I'd do that in a heartbeat. Yes, You'll need to trim and everything else, but it would save You from buying more brass. If You've got the time and don't mind putting out the effort, sizing up would be the way to go. If nothing else, I'd do it just to get the experience and see how it went. If You don't like the results, then .30-06 brass is generally easy to come by...

Just keep them seperate and clearly marked. For a responsible handloader, that's small putayta's...


New member
hmmm, buy a bunch of expensive 270 brass, or form it from 30-06 brass I already have........ trim them, and form w/ plenty of lube, make sure you lube inside the necks


New member
Not to be a smart a$$, but,
The worst that could happen is shooting a .270 round in an '06 rifle and accuracy would be dismal. I don't believe a .30-'06 round will chamber in a .270 rifle.

I have a Parker Hale .270 Win that still has a 30-'06 case in it.


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New member
As Paul B said..

Ive made 270s into 30-06-accidentially. I thought-"my that took quite a bit of pressure" with Rockchucker.

5R milspec

New member
humm that hurt

wow that must have rung your bell.but glad to see your OK.my thing is that I resize different head stamps for rifels that I have.so when I load up a 7mm/08 to a 308 its only going in a 308.and the same for all of my rifels.but if I had a 7m/08 I wouldn't think of resizeing the brass.so when I can save money and be able to spend it on something that I cannot rework then why not.but hey this is just something that I will do and no one has to be like me.just gave my opinion on the subject.but just as I and someone else did keep them marked and one should be OK.


New member
When I use cases for a different caliber than they are headstamped, I typically run a black line across the back end of the case with a permanent magic marker to call attention to that fact. Making .270 into .30-06 is otherwise a pretty fine idea IMO.

Regarding dangerous combinations, I believe one of the most deadly is military 7.92 Mauser in a .30-06. Even side by side they look VERY similar.

- Ivan.