.25 cal bullets for deer


New member
I just finished building a new rifle.It is a .25 cal. wildcat that will push a 100 gr. projectile at about 3200 fps. I have little experience with this bullet diameter for white tail deer hunting.What are the best choices for the .25 at this velosity? If I use bullets heavier than 100 gr. I will have to seat them deeper than the ideal depth in order to make them work in my action.
You definitely want a bullet that's going to hang together and not break up when it hits the target.

I'd HIGHLY suggest, for that application, the Nosler Partition.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
.25 Bullets


I've had excellent results with the Sierra Spitzer 100 gr. SP, pushing it as fast as I can out of a Ruger .257 Roberts--I mean some loads well above published max. This bulet is extremely accurate and devastating on white tails. My son claims(Humorously, I hope) that this rifle/bullet combo is more deadly than a .300 Winchester Magnum. But, really, we've had more deer drop in their tracks, DRT, than with any other rifle. I think it is simply a matter of luck, combined with extreme accuracy, but there it is.

I wouldn't even mention my .257 Roberts load, but some friends have used this same bullet, loaded a lot hotter, in .25-06 rifles. I'm sure there are some .257 Weatherby Mag users out there who will contribute input better suited to your needs.

I wouldn't bother with the Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet, though, because I've had it break up part of the time even at my lower velocities.

Unless you're figuring on it being a super varmint rifle, though, and I note you mentioned white tails, I think you'll be happier with the 120 grain range of bullets.

Let us know the results of your load development.



Member In Memoriam
I have used the 100 grain Sierra in my 25-06 for deer but have only taken 2 with it. One was a doe on a doe day and she was standing at 330 yards (measured). Seeing it would be used strictly for the freezer and I had a rest and the deer was still I took a head shot. The bullet performed great but that is not a true test. The other was a 135 pound spike at 175 yards and it was a shoulder shot and again the bullet worked as advetised. I have then switched toa 120 grain bullet again with excellent results. If you use a lighter bullet (100 grain) make very sure of your shots and use a premium bullet.


New member
Has anyone made meat with the Barns x bullet? It sounds good on paper,nearly 100% wt. retention with reliable expansion.I have never fired one myself but I always wanted to try them.


Member In Memoriam
Wildcat I never used the Barnes X personally but their reputation is a great one. I do know of others that swear by them. I think that if I were going to use a steady diet of 100 grain bullets in my 25-06 it woul be along that line. As far as a 120 grain at about 2800 0r 2900 (I don't know what your wildcat can launch one at)or a 100 grain at 3200 as yours will do I would say its a toss up. Heck use what you are comfortable with and place the shots good and most likely with a good bullet either one will work well.


New member
My experience with the Sierra 100gr spitzer sp much like Johnny Guest's. Custom Roberts overdriven before Roy Weatherby marketed his variant. Sorry, I don't remember the twist rate. Would hold .5moa with a very stiff load of Super Vel. Only deer taken with it was neck shot, anything would have dropped it so not a real test of the bullet.


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Vaguely related sidebar . . .

Just got update from elder son---

My Ruger .257/Sierra 100 gr/IMR 4350 assembly has scored again, a couple of days ago, in the extended season in south Texas. My sweet daughter-in-law popped a nice doe at about 125 yards. The "laser death ray" effect didn't QUITE work this time--the doe travelled about 40 feet before dropping.

What a great combination! One of these days, I'll try to figure how many food animals have fallen to that rifle since I swapped for it, I THINK in '76 or '77. First deer for both sons and at least three other people. Three feral hogs for me. And to think, I wasn't really interested in the trade--did it mainly as a favor to a friend.

Wildcat, I wish you as much enjoyment from your .25 - - -


New member
Johnny my .25 will likley never do as well as yours because my usual practice is to build a gun ,take a deer or two,then build anouther.My last project was a .338 win mag on a 98 action.I took a Vermont buck with it this fall and unless I get a chance to hunt elk or some other like size critter I may never hunt with it again.At least that is what happened with my 8mm-06,and 30-30 ackley.I am already working on a 8mm-.338 mag..My .25 is much like the .25 souper but my version has a ackley 40 degree shoulder,it is on a sako L579 action,with a Bell and Carlson stock and a Simmonds Atec (borrowed from my 7x57).


New member
Wildcat,I use the 120gr.Hornady H.P on whitetails in my .257 Wby. at 3300fps. It's awesome! Also,I use a 100gr.Hornady spirepoint@ 3600fps. I shot a 8-pointer with this bullet at 75yds.and it came out the other side in 3 baseball size hole needless to say,It never took a step,I'm so glad I bought this rifle and 3.5-10-50 Nikon for my wife. Regards,C.M.Rich Lam.3-22-24