25-2 Smith & Wesson history question


New member
I have a Smith&Wesson 25-2 in 45acp #N3381xx that has a 6.5" tapered slim barrel marked "45 CAL. MODEL 1950" and the bluing on the barrel does not quite match the rest of the gun, it's more of a plum color. The gun does not apear to be re-finnished and the color differance is not huge but it's there. I bought the gun for a good deal because the dealer(and I) thought it was a put together parts gun, but it's in really nice shape and I read on this forum awhile ago that S&W sold some model 25's with 1950 barrels factory. but I can't find that information. I have also heard that some S&W revolvers had the bluing on the barrels turn a plum color with age when the frames did not. So..... does anyone know the facts or do I indeed have a re-barreled gun?


New member
No, in all likelyhood you do not have a rebarreled gun. I would bet a high price on it if someone would take me up on it.

The information you stated is true.

Dave T

New member
As I understand it there were some 25-2s mis-marked with the "Model of 1950" roll mark but they had the straight barrel of the 25-2, not the tapered barrel. If you's has a tapered barrel, which should be marked Model of 1950, then as other's have said it probably is a re-barrel.

I have a M24-3 with a non-standard 5" barrel that is quite obviously plumb colored and doesn't match the rest of the gun at all. Since I got it as a shooter I don't mind but I'm sure it didn't leave the factory that way.



New member
Sounds like an "as issued" gun. S&W did make a mistake and put "Model of 1950" on some of them. You might post this question over on the S&W forum as the same questions come up time and again and there is a solid base of information. When in doubt check The Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, third edition (a book) which is available at most book stores.


New member
The M25-2 Target Model of 1955 has a heavy (bull) barrel similar to the M57 and M29. If your gun has a tapered barrel, it has been rebarrelled. The barrel you mention is either from a M26 or Pre-M26 Target Model of 1950.

Again, if your gun has the model number 25-2 stamped in the yoke area but has a tapered barrel roll marked Target Model of 1950, it has been rebarrelled.



P.S. The mismarked guns referred to by a previous poster had the correct heavy barrel but the barrel rollmark said Target Model of 1950.


New member
The particulars of the models and barrels have been adressed already, I'll just say I have, and have seen, several Smiths that the barrels were a slightly different shade, tending toward a plum. I know mine are original, and believe a couple of others are as well. It may be a different alloy in the barrels, or they may be blued separately.


New member
The M25-2 uses a barrel with a long forcing cone in order to accommodate the short cylinder in the standard size N-Frame frame window. A M25-5 barrel will not work. 1950 and 1955 Target 4" barrels were EXTREMELY rare so you're left with cutting down a barrel (custom work) or having a 4" barrel made from a blank (custom work). I guess it them depends on how many $'s you want to pound into the gun which, in all likely-hood, you won't realize a return on if you sell in the future.



New member
The Model of 1950 Target had a 6.5" tapered barrel. The Model of 1955 went to a heavier barrel.

They only made 2,768 M1950's. Everybody I know that has one agrees that they are very finicky about their chow due to oversized cylinder throats. I understand the tapered barrel was also not popular with target shooters of the day. Hence the change in 1955. I doubt that anybody would have rebarreled a 25-2 with one and I doubt the factory would have done so unless specified.

OTOH the tapered barrel balances really nicely, IMO.

The -2 change was 1961. I would also think that S&W would have used up all their tapered barrels by then.

You could always send S&W $50 for a letter from Mr. Jinks.;)

Oh... it took awhile but I finally found something my M1950 likes..:D

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