24 gauge shotgun?


New member
Has anyone out there heard of a 24 ga. shotgun? A guy was telling me about a SxS he has. I'd never heard of such. jd


New member
:) Yes, there is a 24 guage, and a 32 gauge, and a 15 guage. and a 4 guage and so on and so on. What , did you think he was making that up, he wasn't:)

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
24 gauge shotguns were and are popular in Europe, oft well made SxS guns of dimunitive proportions. Ladies and Kids's gun for the most part.

Beretta makes a nice 24 on the 687 platform, but sells it only in Europe.

The gauge makes up into a nice little uplander. Zutz had a Neumann SxS 24 and thought it great for ruffed grouse.

BP carries loaded ammo and components.MEC will make up a loader on special order for it.

Sometimes one of these shows up that was dufflebagged back from Europe around 1946. Generally they go cheap because one can't find ammo for it at Wallie World.


New member
very interesting,,. The fella that told me about his, knew very little about it himself-had aquired it in some swap. He mentioned something about a company that makes Brownings/Citoris. Said that a guy he had shown it to had all the sudden become real hot to have it, and he's starting to think maybe he'd better learn a little more about it . Thanx Guys. jd


New member
I think the Citoris are

made by Miroku in Japan, or at least were for a time.

Fine quality, as was everything made in Japan in the 70s and 80s. Better optics than the Germans, better cars than the US, and all for less money. Revaluation of the Yen, and Japanese workers' (justified) demands for better wages closed the price gap,but for a while there, Japanese goods were as cheap as Chinese stuf is now, and far, far better in quality.

The 24 has always interested me.

Safety note: If you have both a 16 and a 24, be aware that the old 12/20 problem can bite you as well. Granted, the number of people who need to worry about this can probably be counted without resorting to your toes, but still...



New member
For use in the US, you're best served sticking with the conventional guns: .410-bore, 28-ga, 20-ga, and 12-ga. If that's not enough for you, then you might throw in a 16-ga or a 10-ga.


New member
28 ga.

The 24 ga. is about .58 caliber. I see it used amongst BP muzzleloading guys who buy .58 smoothbore barrels for hunting. Very versatile.