.22lr Lethality Revisited - 300 Yard Ballistics Test - Clear Ballistics


New member
Would like to have seen the results with the Velocitor "full 40 grain bullet traveling 100-150 FPS faster out the muzzle":rolleyes:

@ 25, 100, & 300y.

Still,.... It was interesting. Seems like the diameter of the 300 yard bullet shrunk a bit?...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Pretty impressive to hit the block at 300 yards with a 22.

I swear he's confusing the 2 shots though. He calls the top track the 300 and the bottom the 25. It doesn't look that way to me if you compare the location after the 300 yard shot to the block with both shots. Plus, the top wound channel seems more consistent with a higher energy shot.


New member
.22 LR is easily one of the most underrated rounds. There aren't many, if any, living things on earth that a .22 couldn't kill.


New member
.22 LR is easily one of the most underrated rounds. There aren't many, if any, living things on earth that a .22 couldn't kill.

That is true. I think the issue is how quickly will it kill the intended target...
Lots of examples of good and bad results. One of the more public ones was President Reagan... shot under the arm, went into the chest cavity, and he was up speaking in public what, the next day? That's good medical treatment. If he hadn't been treated, he would likely have died... eventually.
A 35-40 gr chunk of soft lead going 1100-1200 fps will cause some damage.


New member
It's no secret that the spot lighter's choice is a .22 LR due to it being quiet. It is illegal to spot light deer. Many people do and with success. I've also seen deer that have been hunted legally that had several .22 bullets in their hide. I've heard of people unloaded .22 LR semi auto on deer and the deer don't drop. All I can is people can be very ignorant.


New member
Shot placement! Shot placement! Shot placement!

A hit to the heart, lungs, spine or face will significantly degrade a BG's abillity to do harm very quickly. An instant kill... maybe, but a 25 or 50 round torrent of lead can be very effective. You don't just shoot the BG once and hope he go's down. You keep firing until he go's down. Do you really think you could return accurate fire well being hit 1, 2 or 3 times a second? :eek:

Best option...no. workable...yep

Some people don't think things through.



New member
I swear he's confusing the 2 shots though. He calls the top track the 300 and the bottom the 25. It doesn't look that way to me if you compare the location after the 300 yard shot to the block with both shots. Plus, the top wound channel seems more consistent with a higher energy shot.

That "permanent cavity" wasn't there until they moved the block to 25 yards. I suspect the monkeys moving the gelatin tweaked it enough to cause some tearing along the wound channel, resulting in what sort of looked like a 'permanent cavity'.


New member
I have seen two people shot in the face with a 22LR, both survived. However the bullet first went through the side window of a car and hit them from the side. Were they happy? NO, did they live yes. Ah the joys of living in a state where firearms are severely restricted.