.224 BOZ


New member
Have you read about the new cartridge in Guns and Ammo? My My My .223 ballistics out of a handgun. As Dodge said "This changes everything."
Is there a possibility of recreating this as a WildCat here in the states? Would BAR STO sell a glock barrel to a mere mortal? Could it be milled by a smith?
I HAVE to have one!!!!


Staff Alumnus
Shouldn't be that hard. Neck down a 10mm and load with a fast powder. Would need a custom reamer.(Clymer). The problem, according to the article, is peening of the breech face. They solved that by using a replaceable breech face. Would be interesting to have a revolver custom built. Involve some precise boring for the cylinder. Be good for fireforming. Though I wonder whether using an AR pistol in 300 Whisper wouldn't be just about the same thing in not too much bigger a package.


New member
Well, the idea is to get it down to a pistol sized package.
I am sure Ruger revolver would work great. But what about a HK USP .45?


New member
This cartidge sounds really cool whne you first hear of it but then sit back and reflect. Do we really want cops (mostly inexperienced shoters) carriyng these things around? As for making it, should be able to be done. However, an internet freind of mine has ben researching it for months and no-one will sell him a barrel or a reamer or give him a fired or unfired case. If you want, check out this web site http://www.civil-defence.org/products/ballistics/ballistics.html Good Shooting, MarkCO


New member
How hard would it be to take a 357 Sig case and neck it down to take a 5.56 round? Sending a 63 Grain steel core bullet at 1800 to 2000 feet per second out of a pistol would be interesting. Brownells sell 22 cal barrel liners that can be installed with acraglass. Think about it. I think I might have a winter project.


New member
Or you could go the other way and try my .45 OGRE idea I laid out in the SMITHY section of this forum... I think that might proove to be even more fun. Especially in a carbine form...

Rob Pincus

New member
I've been beggin' fo rsomeone to duplicate this project all over the net (seen "necked down pistol catrdiges, elsewhere on this forum..) sinceI first heard about the .224 about 6 onths ago. One of the guiys on teh 10mm List is really anxious to get something similiar too.

The thing that I am looking for is a 45-60 grain bullet moving at over 2200 FPS from a standard duty sized semi-auto. This means Glock, Sig, HK, or 1911. I have been looking for a Coonan in .256 Win Mag, which was apparently made for a short time, but I would love to hear that one of you has found a source for loaded ammo and a custom barrel that meets those specifications...

Ed Brunner

New member
Start with something like a Thompson Contender and develop the cartridge. The possibilities include all forms of handguns.
Somebody(either S&W or Ruger)made a .256 (I think)years ago that was real hot but short-lived.


New member
Ruger made the .256 Win. and Smith made the .22 Jet. Both rounds had comparable ballistics.

The main reason companies don't want to make reamers is due to agreements with the creators of the cartridge. If you don't have permission from the creator, the reamer makers won't make it. Case in point, .300 Whisper belongs to J.D. Jones. Try getting a barrel for a Contender from anyone but J.D. or T/C and you won't be able to. Some companies have recently started selling barrels chambered for a .30X.221. This is the same round but a different name.

I would find it very hard to believe that a company wouldn't make the reamer or barrel because they have all of the sudden become concerned about the abilities of this little round. If you look at some the cartridges that have been made, the .224 BOZ is not the only one that can do this.

There is a quick and dirty solution if you want this kind of performance. This was on the handloading board. Take a .30 Mauser or Tokarov and use the the .22cal sabots you can get for .30 cal. ammo. I would think you could get pretty close with this combo.


New member
There is on simaler to the 224 Boz
called the 224 Stark it a 44 Magnum
necked down to 22 cal.
thats about all I know abot it I read
it on GlockTalk web site posted by
Donald in the Non-glock setion.

Chris Orndorff

New member
Perhaps they've improved this cartridge since its introduction some time ago. As I recall, its ballistics fell far short of the .223, and was compared more accurately to the .22 Hornet.

Although I don't have it at hand, an IWBA Journal addressed the round, and contradicted most of its makers' claims.

Interesting concept though.


New member
.224 Boz for the serious marksman

If you are wanting a .224 boz, I have for sale the following :

1 - Barrel Finish Reamer NEW Never used. ($300)

1 Set of American Made (5 dies) case forming and reloading dies NEW Never used.($500)

1 - Laminated Blueprint of .224 BOZ round. (Free with purchase of above items, by itself $800 and i'll throw in the finish reamer and die set for free :)

(I can also sell you a Glock 20 extended Barrel rifled for .224, however you would need to have it Professionally Reamed with the Barrel Finish Reamer $450 barrel only)

You would be able to chamber a pistol or rifle barrel to suit your needs, and reload your own ammo.

Serious Inquiries Only.
Subject : .224 boz
hkgunguy@hotmail NOSPAM.com


Well there ya go

Sounds like HKgunguy has the goods, if someone has the dough. That's what you need, reamer, dies and barrel - finish it, stick it on a G20 and you're off to the races - oh, wait, you need brass as well - can that brass be made by necking/annealing ordinary 10mm brass, or do you need special brass? If the latter, then is it available from a commercial source? BTW, .224 boz is not really new, and it ain't .223 ballistics either. Still, a cool round. For a cheap quasi-substitute, getcha some .223 Timbs...the poor man's .224 boz.

http://www.owlnet.com/quality/223 Timbs.htm

P.S. Oops - he said case-forming die included - so is it formed from standard 10mm auto brass?