.223 Rem Brass For Sale in Texas


New member
I have a USPS medium flat rate box full of range pick up brass. I have tumbled most of it. I have sorted it out to weed out the cases that are obviously not usable, as well as used a magnet to assure no steel is in it either. Head stamps are mixed. A lot of PMC, and Lake City. There are others in there as well. There is nothing in the box that I would not run through my own dies. I have way more than what I need, and am making room to get my seed starts for the coming garden going. (Growing super hot peppers this year. If I run low on powder the Carolina Reaper powder may end up as a substitute. :p)

$65 Shipped

Note there are well over 1K pieces.


New member
This pic was taken before I tumbled, and inspected the brass. The brass is bagged in taped shut bags to keep them box from coming open from the not so gentle handling of the USPS. Over 1200 cases that are ready to lube, and size.

$65 includes the shipping.

Note I have enough to fill a Large Flat rate box.

If you want that instead it would be $80 Shipped.



New member
I guess I am going to have to post a pic of the cleaned, and bagged brass. I stopped counting at a thousand, and just kept filling bags with the cleaned brass.

Did I mention I sorted out all the ones that were obviously not usable. The price is better than most places that send you dirty brass that you end up scrapping more than a few of.

Price is the same $65 includes the price of shipping.


New member
Any rough idea how many might be in the big box, I have some empty ammo cans that are begging for more empty cases. Especially cleaned ones.


New member
Panfisher I know there are well over 1200 that will fit in the medium box. The large one has a higher price due more to a higher cost to ship it. The 1200 + are have been tumbled in walnut media, and are clean. Not super squeaky like new shining, but clean enough to load with, and inspect.

Sorry it took a while to respond. I have been working to get my seed starting for super hot peppers going which has been time consuming. It involved building a 4 tier shelf system, wiring up lights, cutting wood for shelves, hanging the fan, getting the height for the lights correct for seed starts. Setting up heat mats, setting up the thermostats for the heat mats, a timer for the fan, and lights. Prepping up the seed starting mix, filling up the starter pots. Sewing the seeds. Well that is the easy part for me anyway. The hard part is waiting for things to sprout.

I had the brass in the closet I am using, and need the space so I am offering it here. As far as the rest that would fill a large flat rate box I will sort though to get the bad ones out. I can sweeten the pot up a little if you want some .38 Special cases as I have a bunch of those to throw in, as well as a hand full of .357 Mag.

I also have some cast bullets I would be willing to add in. What I have: 100 cast 240 grain LSWC for .44 that drop at about .430. They shoot great in my Bull Dog. I cast others though I am out at this time, and casting will be next on the to do list when the rain, and ice let up.


New member
I tried to PM you from my phone, let me know if it did not come through and I will send it from a real computer.


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