.223 Glaser Saftey Slug into wet paper


New member
Thought I should post a pic of a book I shot a few years ago; safety slugs just came up on another thread and are widely discussed.

glaser exp.jpg

Blue tip Glaser Safety Slug fired from Bushmaster C15, 16" barrel at 10 feet, impact above quarter in photo

55gr HP, same rifle, distance; impact is to right of quarter, left of .223 round.

55gr FMJ, same rifle, distance; impact above and right of .223 round.

The book shown in photo was behind 10" of other wet phone books and paperbacks. The books were soaked in water overnight.
You can see that at this depth of penetration, the HP had expanded quite a bit. At the same depth of penetration however, LOOK WHAT THE GLASER DID:eek::eek::eek:

Beyond the book shown, the glaser penetrated another 1.5", and left an impact signature another inch or so.

The HP slug continued another 4" in wet material.

The FMJ slug was not recovered after passing through a book edge.

.357 magnum Blue tip Glaser ammo fired from a S/W 386NG was also tested, results were identical. Less overall penetration, but not too far off from a HP load. Not even close to a FMJ. Expansion of the Glaser slug was violent and explosive. It blew out 2 inches off the corner of a phone book.

Hind sight and all......I really should have set up an additional experiment; target material covered with some heavy clothing. Ill do it next time my buddy lets me make a mess of his yard;)

BTW, the book choice was random, didn't notice the title until we were looking for slugs. I love my wife, lol:) Book belonged to a buddy's folks.


New member
Too bad they're so darned expensive.

I think deep-down, a lot of us know that is the way to go. But they cost so much, I can't afford to prove reliability out of an auto.

I may get a pack for my SP-101 though and just fire one to see where it hits.


New member
I keep a couple mags of Glazer for my .357 SIG. Never fired them outta the AR though, I'd really like to load up a few now. But as stated, damn spendy! There's gotta be somewhere you find some cheap(er) bulk buys??

Father Time

New member
Thanks for the review. Intersesting stuff.

But to be honest I would be more interested in the preformance of the round at 50, 100 and 200 yards than at ten feet.


New member
But to be honest I would be more interested in the performance of the round at 50, 100 and 200 yards than at ten feet.

Its a "niche" round. The niche it fills is in a close quarters circumstances where ricochet, over-penetration (airplane use) or collateral damage through adjacent walls in probable. Hence the 10 foot test distance.

Father Time

New member
"Niche" round huh... Ok then, I didn't know it was designed for CQB firefights. :eek:

My natural reaction to seeing .223 ammo is "how good is that for killing wild hogs?" :D


New member
If your curious about this rounds longer range accuracy, its probably awful. The round is closer to a shotgun shell than a rifle bullet. It consists of a bunch of rectangular slivers of metal surrounded by a thin copper jacket (the jacket acts like a shotgun wad that holds its pellets till impact). Because of this, I couldn't imagine bullet mass being evenly distributed throughout each round fired, nor would I expect tolerable groupings for use as a varmint round or such.

how good is that for killing wild hogs?
In theory, could be devastating!

However, I'm not too familiar with how thick and tough a hog hide is. Could be a big factor. I would also never trust a hunting round in my AR that I hadn't shot a couple of hundred of...$$$. But if the piggies skin was thin, I bet these things would turn that fella into a pile of hams and chops in short time.
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New member
My natural reaction to seeing .223 ammo is "how good is that for killing wild hogs?"
.............i think it'll work.......

.223 kills hogs quite dead, 40gr v-max has become my preferred choice, you may call me crazy but it works just fine....head/neck shots puts them on their side with the legs straight out.....shots that are low behind the front leg they run 10-25yds.....itty bitty pigs, well, they loose a little weight..

............ I laughed at "We have to talk : Healing dialogue for women"
............ummm, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your nickname.........


New member
Any idea of where the hole from the Glaser started to actually get bigger?

The hole from the glaser expanded suddenly approximately 2" before the book you see and left a crater of a similar diameter anther 1.5" past the book shown. That would mean, total wound cavity of the size you see in the book, from the glaser, was about 3-4" long.