223 clips

So, my neighbor passed away and left me a bunch of stuff. Some of that stuff are some metal clips. I'm not sure what they are used for but .223 Rem cartridges fit in them perfectly.

Is there a rifle in that caliber that uses clips?


New member
Sounds like stripper clips which trigger643 posted the photo of. Used to speed load mags.
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New member
I don't know what the current practice is, but when I retired, when issued an M16 we carried six spare mags, but ammo for reloading those mags came in cheap cotton bandoliers with 30 rounds in each pocket (3 clips of ten).


New member
Guess you were never in the Army in combat. But this is the way we would get re supplied ammo on bandolier. But this is back in the mid 60's in the jungles of SVN. I still use them with my reloads weekly and they still work well when oiled.


New member
Those little boxes are what comes in the bandolier now. If you buy a case of Lake City M855 (full case, 840 round can), they are packaged exactly how they came every time I opened a full crate when I was in the Army-excluding SAW cases. This was from 99 to 09. All are in bandoliers, in stripper clips, in a little cardboard box, and included a little speed loader to adapt the stripper clips to the magazine, as shown above.

Tracers sometimes came in bandoliers, but sometimes came in boxes of 20.


New member
@kostner, nope, never in the Army. Went Air Force instead with tours in AFG and IRQ. My last AFG ammo issue was in a gallon ziplock baggie with mixed ball, tracer, and some funky Marine issued stuff...

To the OP, I missed your question. The purpose of the strippers is as trigger's picture represents. You can load a 30 rounder pretty quick with one of those spoons included in the ammo pack, versus jamming single rounds. I rarely saw spare mags down range for issue, but then, I never needed them.


New member
You carry loaded mags... You refill those mags with stripper clips.

The clips are just used to make loading empty mags quicker.


New member
My last AFG ammo issue was in a gallon ziplock baggie with mixed ball, tracer, and some funky Marine issued stuff...

I always wondered what they did with the ammo we turned in.. sounds to me like they bagged it up and issued it to the Air Force :)


New member
I always wondered what they did with the ammo we turned in.. sounds to me like they bagged it up and issued it to the Air Force
It seemed that way.

Whenever I was issued ammo, it was brand new, in the box, on stripper clips.

But whenever I had range time, and especially when we had "extra" ammo to 'dispose of', it was a random assortment of crap that the ammo guys usually told us came from the Army and Marines. (Beyond its service life... So lets give it to the Air Force! ;))


New member
Normal combat issue of ammo is on stripper clips, in cardboard sleeves, and in cloth bandoleers. In order to save money, ammo used in the CONUS is now usually supplied on stripper clips and in cardboard sleeves, but they don't use the cloth bandoleers. Also a lot of training ammo is now supplied in fiberboard cartons instead of the usual metal ammo cans. There's really no point in stuffing the bandoleers just to have guys throw them away during annual qual.