.223 / .556 am I alone on this one?


New member
I just got through reading, and posting on the .223 sissy thread. I personally love the 5.56 M4/M16 system.

I hunt, and target practice with my M4 as much as time, and money, will allow. I have never had problems killing game, and I can hit a water bottle using the M68 AimPoint at 250 yards. (super accurate) The sights are set up with the "improoved battle sight zero".

I haven't been in combat, but from my expearance with the M4, I think it would be an awsome weapon to have. :cool:

Does any one here have the ACOG TA10NSN model? Do you like it?
I see you are new here. You will get better responses to your query if you actually entitle the thread with relevant information about the topic. In fact, up until the last line of your post, I had no idea your thread was for soliciting information on ACOGs.

I do not have the NSN, but have used one. I found the illuminated crosshairs to be less than ideal. For that model, they use an off white color and the area illuminated is quite small. I find the regular TA01 with full red illumination to be better.

The problem with the NSN for low light use is that if you illuminate your target with a light, the reticle tends to wash out as light sources are usually some variant of white. It should then appear as normal cross hairs again, but in low light conditions, this can make it hard to spot quickly. The TAO1 in red has the larger illuminated area and most light sources are not red and so it doesn't wash out as much.

Both are excellent scopes.


New member

A new found love for the m16 type rifles for me.

I have on ly the factory iron a2 sights and really like them.As you said money is the key,it is a flat top model AND no funds to use experimenting with the different scopes or OPTICS as they say. A very accurate rifle.
Look forward to gitting around to the scopes for it tho. :cool:
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