.223 @ 325 yards


New member
My shooting partner of 40 years and her .223 shooting up hill at 325 yards. :D




New member
;) LOL

Up on the hill in the bunker. Jog on up there and have a look..LOL.


100 yards.




I hope that's not a 7.62x51 .... that rifle appears to be resting against her upper arm, not pocket of shoulder ..... I know the semi's reduce recoil some with their action, but still ..... ow.

Actually, all the 7.62 ammo on the tabe sez that it ain't .223 ...


New member
;) LOL

Wanna put $1 on that Jimbob? I will also pass on your critique on her shooting skills. Way to go with the ladies,,LOL. ;);)


Not about whether the gun is .223 ..... the ammo on the table does not appear to be ..... but that means bupkus..... so no, I'll keep the dollar I don't have, thankee.


New member
Looks like a bag-o-.223 to me. I used to have a G3 style rifle in .223....fun, good shooter, kinda miss it......


Those cartridges are as long as the lady's fingers..... I have an AR in 5.56, and they are not as long as my pinky.


I just noticed the two empties next to the bag. The nearer one is 7.62x51 sized.... the further one, between the first and the bag of live ammo ... covered in soot/fouling ..... that looks to be spent poodleshooter fodder.


New member
;) LOL

I was your call to pick at it. Try and enjoy the sport a little more. Women can shoot too and vote now I hear. :rolleyes:

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New member
;) LOL

JimBob the post was a bout shooting a .223 not what was on the table but that is OK. Relax. The table is by the hour so we share and she has been a HK collector for 25 years it's all good. All my girls shoot at 300 and we have no 25 yard shooters over nine years old.

Have a great weekend.
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New member
Fun either way

Whatever you guys took pictures of, it simply looked like fun to me. My wife is from the Philippines and had never fired a gun until we visited the States. She instantly fell in love with it. My family has a massive collection and she gets a kick out going to the range when we get the chance. Here's wishing you and your shooting partner another 40+ years of range time.


New member

I read the news and I think there are three women shooters from the PI in moneymaking shooting sports in the USA.



New member
;( amsdorf

Oh Paul edit your post a few more times so everyone can see how creepy you are.

I'm not your buddy and not your friend.

You sad thing.
