.22 Mag N.A.A. or .32 Kel Tec P32?


New member
Looking to buy a gun for all the time carry. Currently have a Kel Tec P40, which is great, when wearing a coat.

Want to have something to carry, even when not supposed to, like work.

Considering a NAA Mini in .22mag or a Kel Tec P32. Which would you consider the better choice as far as power and concealability?

I know carrying something larger is better, but, it's not always practical.



I cant comment on the Keltec, having had zero experiance with them. But the NAA 22 mag I've owned and the FA 22LR is what I have now. (A nice thing to have when you're not carrying a gun.) The 22 mag is probably your best bet, for the power, but personally I prefer the 22 LR cause I can hold on to it better, and ammo's alot cheaper. When I shot the 22mag, it would always stand up in my hand upon firing, which is only slightly annoying at the range, and wouldnt matter for SD cause it would likely 'be screwed in his ear' for the one shot anyway...
The little 22 mini revolvers are built well, no complaints.


New member

There are a few good 32acp pocket guns on the market. I think any of these beats the NAA 22mag. More shots, quicker shots, bigger bullets, and in a center-fire round (more reliable).

I have a NAA Guardian in 32acp that has worked well for me. I also have two NAA Minirevolvers and they are great guns, but IMHO, you're better off with one of the 32acp pistols. I've carried both the 22mag and the 32acp, and I can't see myself ever carrying the 22mag again.

If you do decide to get an NAA Minirevolver, take a good look at the Black Widow model. It has a longer barrel, REAL sights, and isn't that much bigger if you put on the small bird's head grips.


Another thing you should do is to research holsters. A good holster goes along way towards keeping it concealed and comfortable...Thunderware, bellybands, ankleholsters, with the right holster you could carry the P40 to places you never dreamed that you could..;)


New member
I just got rid of my Kelt Tec P32 today. Some owners have one that works great 100 percent of the time, mine didn't.

If you do a search you will find many satisfied users as well as dissatisfied users of the Kel Tec P32. I took my chances and purchased one and came out a dissatisfied user. I had no inclination nor the time to mess with an unreliable weapon nor did I want to send it to the factory. So with the Kel Tec P32 you pretty much take your chances on whether or not you get a good one. If you do make sure you run it through a good breakin/realiability check before you use it for your primary weapon.

My next project is a SeeCamp .32 or Colt .380 Mustang.

Good Shooting

Walt Sherrill

New member
The .22 magnum round is a surprisingly powerful round -- but only when shot through longer barrels. With a short barrel (2" or less") most of the powder goes out the barrel, to ignite in the air.

The Kel-Tec P32 seems to be the best gun going for the money, along with the SEECAMP, AUTAUGA, etc. Generally speaking, you can carry it anywhere you'd carry one of the .22, be better protected, more accurate, etc.

Several of my friends have the P-32 and love them; they've been flawless for them. A few of the earliest P-32s had problems.

7th Fleet

New member
I have owned a P-32 for the past two years and it has been 100% reliable. I chose the hardchromes slide model for rust resistance. I would much prefer it to one of those small hard to shoot, underpowered and dangerous minirevolvers. Get the P-32 if you want a gun that you can carry 24/7 and not be bothered by it size weight or bulk causing you to leave it at home. This little jewel can be carried concealed in a bathing suit.



New member

Should ask "Do I get the 22LR NAA to go along with my KelTec?"

There, that's the right question.

Yes, two 'always' is just right. New York reload, anyone?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
For "deep cover" concealment I recommend the
NAA in .22 magnum, with 1-1/8" barrel.:D :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
I own both and for capacity, accuracy, and reloading speed, I'd go with the KelTec P32. The P32, if you get a good one, is superior for rapid deployment in an emergency situation. You can also order a 10 round clip extension for the P32 and it STILL is a very small gun. Mine just disappears in an Uncle Mike's Size one pocket holster. It is full time DA which means you just pull the trigger while the NAA mini is SA which, again, takes some practice to become proficient at.

The NAA mini is difficult to shoot with any accuracy unless it is stuck straight into a perp's belly. As far as reliability goes, I've owned three of them and in my experience, they are 100% reliable. I just drop the NAA mini into my left pocket with my keys and change and it makes an excellent back-up. At close range, all those by-products of combustion coming out of the barrel of the mini also can constitute some stopping power, not to mention that very fast-moving itty-bitty bullet. I use CCI PLUS-V ammo in mine (very hot stuff) or Winchester supreme 40 gr sjhp's.

Your choice, hope this helps. Jeff the 22luvr

Big Al

New member
P32 all the way

I've had a P32 for a couple of years now and got my first FTF last week - bad ammo. Other than that, I've NEVER had a problem with it. I've got the hard chrome version, and I love it. Rustproof, feather light, and reliable. The only standing gripe I've got with it is sighting - the sights are pretty much useless. The best way I've found to sight it is to cover up the target with the back of the slide. It works surprisingly well.

I carry mine in an Uncle Mikes #1 pocket holster modified to carry a spare mag. I've got the finger extension from an NAA Guardian on the primary mag - it makes it a whole lot easier to control. Most of the time I forget 'm carrying it - it feels like a wallet.

Check out the bulletin boards at www.ktog.org for a whole lot more info.


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have carried a P32 for a long time and prefer them for the manual of arms and power. However, I just got a Black Widow (2" .22mag revovler) as a gift and have been learning to use it.

Manual of arms is difficult. Loading it requires care and getting jostled could cause parts to fall and get lost. So, for practical purposes, the five rounds is all you'd get. The gun is LOUD - -I said it is LOUD. The wide cylinder gap may be the culprit.

Ammo cost is almost the same as 32acp. Individual cartridges are more fragile.

Accuracy: NAA Black Widow wins: 2" at 10m vs. 3" for the P32. 30 grain ammo shoots to point of aim, 40 and 50 grain loads shoot high and left (in my case).
Ease of handling: P32 wins, esp. if gloves are worn.
Reliability: NAA has a slight edge. One only has to put enough ammo through to learn the gun and doesn't have to function-test every magazine. Both P32s we have had to go in for repairs and adjustments, though both seem reliable now.
Ease of concealment: the weight is almost the same, the mini is easier to hide.
Effectiveness: 32 wins, IMO.

So, if I had to choose one, I would pick the P32. But, since I have both, I will try and see which works better in the long run. After all, I had no use for knives till I get several as gifts and now I won't leave home without them.


New member
Well after reading everyones responses, I went to a gun show on Sunday.

Looked at a beautiful blue Keltec P32 and a NAA .22mag, w/1-5/8" barrel and folding pocket holster/grip.

Bought the NAA. Clips to the inside of my right pocket, and always there. Carried it non-stop since buying it. Very easy to conceal and no holster needed. Also, w/the grip, it's not rolling around in my pocket.

Grip makes it very easy to shoot. Had one w/standard grips before and it was definitely harder to hold onto. The folding grip is just like holding onto a standard revolver.

I'll try and get some pictures up so you can see.

Again, thanks for the advise.

Steve Mc.


New member

The best round for your gun is prob CCI MaxiMag +V. At around $7 per 50 rounds is isn't cheap, but it's the best. Take a look on the NAA webpage. www.naaminis.com They have a velocity page that lets you compare a bunch of different ammo.


New member
You bought the wrong holster for the mini-revolver. :)



New member
I bought CCI MaxiMag +V HP's. Should do the job. Shot it Sunday, pleasantly suprised.

Don't think I could get away w/the belt holster at work. Plus has to be concealed according to my CCW license. But, if I lived in.... who knows.

Steve Mc.


New member
I had an NAA mini and couldn't hold it worth a darn with the standard grip. I got the folding accessory grip and carried that for a while. Easy to carry with the clip and much more comfortable to shoot. The biggest problem I had was that it would take two hands and extra time to open and shoot it.

Could imagine a BG or pit bull immobilizing one hand and being virtually helpless to deploy the mini.

I sold the mini and now own two P-32s. (Never want to be without at least one of them.)

Alan W.