22 LR


New member
A reloading friend of mine was at Cabelas, last week. He saw a couple buying the 100 round boxes of Remchester ammunition at over $8 per box. Cabela's is now limiting 22 LR purchases to 1,200 per purchase. The man purchased 1,200 and his wife purchased 1,200. He told my friend they are from AZ where 22 LR cannot be found.


New member
Guess that is better then a Walmart 3 box limit. I was luck the last time I was at the local gun store, they had cases of federal automatch for $190 (3250 rounds($0.60 round )). I picked up two cases


New member
Yes 22LR is still hard to find here in Tucson, Az . Dick's Sporting Goods has the best price at $35.00 for 500rnds . You just have to pop in often. And they only sell one box per day per family.


New member
Up through last summer my local Cabela's stores (3 within an hours drive or less from home) had a 500 round limit on .22 LR, not that it mattered as they rarely had anything to buy. That got raised to 1,200 last fall, maybe October IIRC and suddenly they had all sorts to chose from. I ended up getting my stash up to about 4,500 rounds after a few visits and have only purchased a box here and there to maintain the level.

I was in a Cabela's again this past weekend and they a lot on the shelf but only either subsonic or expensive match grade .22LR - no cheap bulk plinking stuff which is what I tend to buy. The 1,200 round limit was still in effect.


Not sure why everyone is banging on about reloading as your OP clearly has nothing to do with reloading, other than mentioning you have a "reloading friend".

Context people. Context.


New member
General types of 22LR ammo is back down where is should be, below the cost per round of 12 ga , 223, and 9mm.


I just got 500 rounds today of an obscure 22 ammo [that I will not mention] that has not been available for years online. I did not believe they could actually deliver, but they did. If I had known, I would have ordered the 500 round limit every day until they ran out. They are out now.


New member
Took these photos at the Cabela's in Omaha.....plenty of .22 rimfire on hand, prices were a bit high.





New member
I bought 500 rounds of the Norma ammo today for $52 and change after tax. I can live with that. www.advout.com in Smyrna GA has had that and many other brands sitting on pallets in the floor for a while. CCI Mini-Mags were $35/300 rounds.


New member
.22 lr in my area is starting to show back up, but there are always purchase limits and it's NEVER under $.10 a round.


New member
I shoot Wolf 22lr standard velocity, 1 brick (500) rounds $135. should be a crime against that price. Last time I bought it the price was $55. Shoot 22lr in doors only for trigger time in the cold weather. Marmer weather is comming so outdoor shooting 308cal. is just around the corner, can't wait. Here ammo is getting out of hand.


New member

The requirement for the General Discussion page is, posts must be firearms related. My posting falls in this category.


New member
Pogybait said:

The requirement for the General Discussion page is, posts must be firearms related. My posting falls in this category.

This thread originally appeared in the Reloading subforum.


New member
Bucksnort1 said:

The requirement for the General Discussion page is, posts must be firearms related. My posting falls in this category.
You originally posted this in the Reloading section. A moderator moved it to General Discussion. It's fine that you made a mistake and posted it in the wrong section, I've done that too. But don't try mislead us into thinking that you originally posted it in General Discussion.


New member
Hey, let's talk about the price and availability of rimfire ammo!
It's been more widely available, but only at high prices, 15-25 cents a round.
The stores that charge ten cents a round will not have any on the shelf if you get there an hour after they restock.