.22 Lr Tracer


New member
Has any one out there tried or used this ammo? I don't know how but they claim it is noncorrosive. A bit on the High side on price. Some one gave me 1000 rounds of .30 M1 ammo and I started a fire in the box I had my targets stapled to at 100 yards. I didn't know I could do the 100 yard dash that fast!

Cheaper then Dirt sells some too! But not claiming NonCorrosive. I never seen them before!

What you think other then STUPID?:D



New member
It's non corrosive because it relies on a frictional reaction with the air as the bullet travels to ignite the tracer material. Other than the dot of this material on the nose of the projectile, it's no different than your run of the mill .22 brick ammo.


New member
Tracers aren't good for anything except tracing full auto fire in the dark and setting stuff on fire. I guess if you want to run around at night making lazer gun sounds (pew! pew! pew!) and playing Buck Rogers with your 10-22they might be usefull. I tend to place them in the same catagory as 12 ga dragons breath and and flechette rounds.:rolleyes:
Tracers aren't good for anything except tracing full auto fire in the dark and setting stuff on fire. I guess if you want to run around at night making lazer gun sounds (pew! pew! pew!) and playing Buck Rogers with your 10-22they might be usefull. I tend to place them in the same catagory as 12 ga dragons breath and and flechette rounds.

Not true. They are great for practicing point-shooting and if you are an instructor you can see where the student's shot hit at the same time you are observing their form, even on targets set out at longer ranges.


New member
Buck Rogers I are not!:D

I have shot lots of tracer and find them fun in a safe environment.

I was thinking it would help with my 7 year old shooting for a little while.

I LEARNED the hazards a long time ago! STATED IN MY FIRST POST!

He has become proficient with his Henry Mini Bolt single shot up to 30 yards. From a rest, he can hit a 5" target 5 out of 5 any time you ask him to!:D

I think they would help in his shot placement up to 75. Also would help him see the Trajectory (drop).

I wish my eyes was still so good!:eek:

Besides! He would like it, Adds some SPAZZZZZAZ to the game.