.22 Internet Match


New member
If were lucky maybe this will catch on. What you do is post a picture of your target with the grouping on it, Possibly the gun you shot it with. Person with the smallest group wins. :D

If you would like to participate here are the rules.
1. Ammo Must all be stander velocity.
2. No caliber smaller or larger than .22lr.
3. Shot MUST be at 50 YARDS.
4. Must be a picture of the target to prove your grouping.
5. Measurements are optional but are good to include.
6. Shots must be from the day you shot, no posting your best old shot you ever did. ;)
The winner will receive bragging rights, and a cookie.;)
Be posting mine later this week. Will be judged next Friday.


New member
I've got several .3" groups and one that is a .2" but that's not gonna win this contest.

I'll wait for Brad C to show up and post a few of his targets, and place bets that his will be contenders to win...


New member
My opinion is that there's already a surplus of puffery on these boards and throwing in a competition will only make things worse.