.22 did the job


New member
So the debate for that perfect caliber goes on. Check this story out. Two ex special forces soldiers shot and killed a robber. The fatal bullet was a .22.

That settles it, I'm selling the .45 today. :)

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


New member
It also says that the bad guy was continueing to struggle..The .22 may have been the fatal bullet, but it did not stop him right away. ;)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"


New member
I would highly appreciate it if my assailant STOPPED immediatly upon receipt of my projectile. Hence I might consider a .22 as an offensive weapon but definately not my choice as a defensive weapon.

Sam.....my favorite 9mm is the 9X32

Travis McGee

New member
Don't laugh. I have known several expert target shooters who can just pour in the .22s at 50 feet offhand. They can pick which eye to put it in, literally. A few 40 grain solids rattling around the cranium will stop a bad guy pretty quick.

Jody Hudson

New member
Often a little 100 pound deer will go 500 yards when hit with a 12 gauge slug. Some years ago my son shot a deer 8 times with his semi-auto 12 gauge and slugs... and hit it every time. He was reloading as it went down. Yes... he was hunting with his magazine plug illegally out. Three of the slugs were near the heart.

When my father managed a beef slaughtering house... we used the .22 to drop a thousand pound steer INSTANTLY. My last deer was a mercy killing on a large deer, all cranked up with adrenaline and caught in a bunch of tangled and rusty barbed wire. I know of little else that is harder to stop than a deer pumping adrenaline. It stopped the big deer in about 1 second from a Stinger out of my TPH into the brain.

I maintain it's about shot placement far more than size and power. If you can't place the shot well then a shoulder mounted missle launcher is a better bet for a one shot instant stop... and even then you've got to hit pretty well.

Talk is cheap; Free Speech is NOT.


New member
"I would highly appreciate it if my assailant STOPPED immediatly upon receipt of my projectile"-- C.R.Sam

Maybe you just need to ask them nicely. ;)


New member
Smart choice. Go for the two 6'2 230 pound "buisnessmen" or the 5'5 120 pound poolboy? It is too bad that it ended like that, but I am glad those two men know well how to defend themselves.

Jim V

New member
MrBlonde, which of the two would you go after if you were a robber? The ones that look like they have $ or the poolboy?

Darwin was right, again!

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


Hey Trav, care for a lecture on the economics of shooting a .22? ;)



New member
Am I sick for liking these "robber-loses" stories?


------------------ http://ben.gunsnet.net
Almost Online IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"

[This message has been edited by Ben (edited September 03, 2000).]


New member
I believe that almost all crime is detered by the brandishing of a gun.

I'm a bit .22 fan myself, I can put a nice little cluster in your eye... Placement has as much to do with things as size of bullet.
