22"bbl 10/22 @ WalMart...


Also equipped with a nice looking (walnut?) stock with sling swivels and no front barrel band.

Very nice looking gun for $214. I had the chance to get one for $160 but I was too honest to take advantage of their pricing error. Dopey me!!! :(


1. The metal parts look much rougher than on my 10/22 which I purchased around 10 years ago.

2. The lack of the barrel band or any kind of action or barrel bedding means that you can easily shift the barrel back and forth in the channel. This gun will need to have the action bedded for sure and maybe some barrel bedding work before it's going to shoot to its potential.


New member
If it was their error, you should have taken advantage of it. It would not be dishonest. It is their policy to sell at whatever the price tag says.



Member In Memoriam

May want to do a bit of research regards bedding the 10/22 action. Many bed the barrel & freefloat the action.

Something to do with aluminum actions not being up to strength for a proper bolt-type action bed-job. Just a thought.

BTW, I hadn't a clue when I bedded my action on a 10/22 Delux version (? bbl length), but seems to turn out "good enough" ... 1/2" 50 yd 5X groups w/CCI MiniMags. Oh, did releieve the barrel channel/forward stock wood somewhat thohgh ....

Seems though you might be able to do somewhat better than I did with some better pre-research.

Too, probablly one of the best things you can do is get an after-market trigger/target hammer group-thing. Picked up a generic outa Midaway for $40+/- & it made a world of difference immediately over that stock crap trigger. That alone might have cut group size in half.


New member
Sounds like a Delux Sporter stock and another Ruger special run for a corporate customer with the 22" barrel. That length isn't one of their regular offerrings.


New member
I would have jumped at the chance to buy Ruger for $160. I have bought many rifles from Wal-Mart and Im very pleased with my purchases.
I recently bought a Marlin MN 25 22Mag from them and I cant get over the Accuracy the thing has. WOOOOOOO!!!!! I paid $162 for my Marlin
and I Love this little rifle.



That sounds very reasonable--especially if you have a stable stock (laminated/synthetic).

Thanks for the info...