22 Auto


New member
Am looking at getting an accurate 22LR plinking pistol, and my local dealer is recommening the S&W 22A with either the 5.5 or 7 inch bull barrel. Any opinions on this?

How does it compare (in terms of accuracy, reliabilty, etc.) with the Mark II, the Buckmark, the CZ Kadet, etc?

In terms of similarity to my 1911, I like the feel of the Buckmark. The grip angle and the sights seem most consistent with my 1911. Anything to be gained by staying consistent (in terms of acquiring target accuracy)?

Thanks in advance for your always welcome advice.


New member
I just went down that very road.
I liked the handle on the Buckmark and the quality feel of it.
Having owned and shot several MKIIs (and none too well) over the years my compass was aiming at Browning Land.
Have a CZ and considered the Kadet.

The one thing I liked the most about the Buckmark is the openness of the ejection port/area as opposed to that hole on a Ruger. I always hated cleaning the chamber area of the MKII because that hole is small and you can't get to alot of areas.
Eventually I decided I could clean the Rugers less frequently with no bad effects.

In the end, I ended up with a Ruger 22/45. I like it and do not regret having passed on the Buckmark or the Kadet.

22/45 is about 60 dollars cheaper than the Buck and more than that for the Kadet. (Paid 199 + tax for the Ruger)
Ruger-Two mags vs one with the Buck. Don't know about the Kadet mags # but I believe it's one.
Ruger mags are a dollar or two cheaper than mags for the Buck.
The grip and controls on the 22/45 are more to my preference than the MKIIs and more like my 1911s and CZs.
The % of plastic on the 22/45 makes the package lighter than the MKIIs but I didn't find a big diff between the Buck and the 22/45 SXS in considering weight.
The Buck had a much better trigger and iron sights than the Ruger 22/45 but I can deal with that myself and have.
The money saved will go a long way to scoping the thing which was pretty much on my mind well before I went looking or purchased the Ruger.

The more I shoot the 22/45 the more I like it. I do shoot it a bit better than the MKIIs even with the iron sites. It should be very satisfactory when I get the scope mounted.

JMH experience.

Take care,


New member
Have you thought about a conversion kit for the 1911 ??
I have a Ciener and am well pleased with it..It is reasonably
accurate and very reliable..I placed a Tasco Optima 2000 on mine
and it is a great plinker and fun gun..Gets to the range more than
my old HiStandard..
Something to think about...


New member
To me, what is gained by practicing with similar pistols is muscle memory. In a stressful situation, you may draw and aim very quickly. By having the same grip angle and safety location on your range gun as your SD gun, you should be more consistantly on target.
Part of this is the amount of range time you have. In my way of thinking, the less you have the more these similarities help you.


New member
Get it but.......

I like my S&W 22A. Just don't get the one that has the paint "baked on". Get the I think it's called brushed stainless. I didn't realize the pistol color was baked on until I started to take the paint off of the finish with my cleaning brush:eek: ! EXTREMELY ACCURATE! More accurate than I am that's for sure! Get it. You will like it. :D


New member
Any opinions on this?
22a/22s---accurate in the extreme. Mine will literally shoot circles around all my other .22's(Ruger- Mark II and .22/45, Buckmark(all 4 of them) Kadet conversion, Ceiner conversion and High Standard Sport King.


22a- Aliminum version-painted on finish- will eat recoil buffers and slides. Lots and lots of reports on their not holding up to 10's of thousands of rounds. Weak points seem to be; slide, recoil buffer, rear lug of the barrel/ramp assembly.

22s- Stainless steel version- bit stronger, still same loose fit design- eats recoil buffers and slides. Mine has a few thousand rounds and every trip out I have to stone down the sharp burr on the slide that the slide stop raises. No big deal but an annoyance,, a couple of quick swios with a stone and it's gone. The major problem is the plastic buffer. Mine eats one every 200 rounds. So far (knock on wood) I haven't busted off a rear lug. Since I have 2 additional barrels, I swap them out a lot more often than most people would remove the barrel assy. I'm super extra careful to take my time doing it,,,,have a feeling it's just a matter of time though till I bust one. All three barrels needed a lot (1000?) of plated ammo to smooth out the bores. I've noticed this is a trait of all of the recent S&W products I've bought in the last 3 years,,a Model 66, a Model 617, and all three barrels for my 22s.

Did I mention accurate??? I shot a real nice sub quarter/half dollar sized 50 shot hole using my Ruger Mark II slabside w/scope at 50 yards. The bulk of the hole was 'bout an inch or so,,maybe less,,maybe more,, I didn't really measure it w/some random flyers. I took the scope off and mounted it on the 7 1/2" barrel of the Smith, sighted it in,,,scared the be-jesus out of a couple of giant horesflies sitting on the backstop,:D then dumped 50 rounds through the center of the hole the Ruger made w/out any of them going outside of it.
Interchageable barrels...I have one Bull barrel, open sights, One Target barrel Red Dot, and one Target barrel scoped. Definate cool factor to see them arrayed in the carry case. Definate cool factor to swap them out for different needs. POI doesn't change too much when switching.

Good second or third .22. My idea of a .22 is a knock about, shoot it a lot, run the heck out of it plinker. The 22a/22s just doesn't seem to be robust enough to fill that bill. It isn't "Bullesye Accurate" enough, nor is it adjustable enough to make a serious target grade pistol. Good all around, bet you can't hit that,,,bet I can sometimes shooter? Oh yeah! You'll win more than a few free beers with one ;) Just keep something more robust,,like a Ruger, or more refined like a Buckmark or more formal, like a Smith 41 for serious stuff.
FF of 8 out of a possible 10.(fun factor) because of the interchangeable barrels and excelelnt *sticky grip*.

(pardon the spelling errors)
Is there a range in your area that rents handgun? I've heard of people doing that to help make a choice.

I have a Ruger Mark II KMK512 that I'd never give up. Put a UltraDot with SoLow mounts on it. Works for me.

Good luck in finding the .22 that's right for you.