22/45 Cracked?

Shadi Khalil

New member
Hello all, here is a picture of the bolt on my 22/45, is that a crack?


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New member
It could be.

I'd call Ruger and they'll most certainly fix it and/or replace it for free.

They may make some ugly auto-loaders, but their customer service is second-to-none if something goes wrong with them.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I just took it by the lgs and after comparing many others we were surprised to find its not a crack. Oh well, the gun is reliable as can be and accurate to boot. I think I'll start calling it a tactical cast mark.


New member
Whether it's a crack or not, that piece that is suspect of being cracked is cheap and easily replaced. Send Ruger a photo of it and they will more than likely send you a new one at no cost.


New member
That's the front end of the recoil guide rod assembly, right?

It's just stamped steel and it looks like the tooling needed to be sharpened.

Shouldn't be a problem, but you can replace it for $7.50, if you really don't like it.


New member
Your replacement will look just like the one you have now. They all look that way to some degree. Shoot it and dont worry.


New member

Personally, I don't think it's a crack but you still need to resolve, to your satisfaction. Guess I'm going to have to check mine out.. ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I have two MKIIs and several spare recoil spring assemblies. They all have similar marks like that. I think that's just from when the part was cookie cutter'd off the sheet. I wouldn't give it any thought. You're going to have replace that spring any way in a few hundred bricks.

James K

Member In Memoriam
That part is blanked (stamped) out of sheet steel; that line is a mark from the manufacturing process. And it is not in the bolt, it is part of the recoil spring assembly.



New member
It's not cracked. Just looks like rough edging. Mine's similar and i've since shot countless bricks with no affects on any functioning. Shouldn't be concerned unless it was affecting functioning


New member
I hit mine on a scotcbright wheel and polished it. Take out the recoil spring assemble and stop by any machine shop. They should be able to hit it on the wheel for a couple bucks. If your in S NJ Ill gladly do it for a cup of coffee.