22-250 Cal. for Whitetail


New member
What do you consider to be the best bullet and Brand of cart. to use when hunting Deer with A 22-250 Caliber Rifle. I would like to hear from hunters that are using this Caliber for this purpose.


New member
Again??? This is exactly the same question asked numerous times here on TFL. Next time, try the "Search" function.

If you feel you just gotta shoot a deer with a 22-250, use either Nosler Partition 60 gr, Barnes X, or Sierra Game Kings.


New member
I would say, most definetly, stay away from Sierra Blitzkings, and of course Match hollowpoints. With the added Ummph of the 22-250 over the 223. I would say 55 Grain Hornady Vmaxs would work well on Deer, as long as you have a very very clean shot. Keep in mind the very first thing that bullet hits and its game over. Vmaxs have worked well in my Ar15 with very careful shot placement.
I like the 22-250. Mine has not been out since the purchase of my Bushmaster though.
What do you consider to be the best bullet and Brand of cart. to use when hunting Deer with A 22-250 Caliber Rifle.

none... the cartridge is not legal for hunting big game in Minnesota... & personally ( I won't beliitle you over your choice of cartridge, if it's legal to use in your area ) but... while some of the better bullet choices coupled with the hyper velocity of the round may kill deer effectiely... I would not hunt any larger deer species ( like White Tail ) with that cartridge in any combination of load or normal bullet choice...

... er... well maybe with a 30 caliber bullet...;)

bill k

New member
In California it's legal to use a 22-250 for deer hunting. But why use a varmit round?

That said I use nozler 55g balistic tip for jacks and such. In most cases with a well placed shot it should kill a deer. But why take the chance of wounding the animal?


New member
I would say 55 Grain Hornady Vmaxs would work well on Deer

From what I understand, the V in VMAX indicates that it is designed for varmints. Although VMAX bullets are a fine product and can prove to be very accurate (75 grain VMAX in my .25-06 shoots nice groups), they appear to be designed to fall apart on impact as they are basically a hollow point with a plastic tip covering the hole. I fear a gaping flesh wound from a highly frangible bullet such as a VMAX may allow said deer to scamper on for days before it dies from infection. If you did get a 1 shot kill there may be some damage to the meat. In my opinion there are better choices for weight retention and penetration.

But then I wouldn't hunt deer with a cartridge less than .243 even in states where .22 is allowed.

Scorch knows what he talking about.


New member
Read my post

Where does it say in my post that I use A 22-250 cal for deer? A couple of replys were almost rude. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but I had my own reason for asking this question. I plan to hunt Coyote and I was just wondering what some of the bullets would do on deer size game.
I'm sorry... but it sure looks like you were asking about hunting deer with a 22-250 ??? but I tried to answer honestly, & without passing judgement... just saying I wouldn't


New member
a 22 rimfire in the right place will kill a deer as quickly as anything on the planet.
I dont want ANY 22 when mr big steps out at 150 yards quartering away through the pines.
its just a recipie for a wounded deer.


New member
A 22-250 is legal in Kentucky as well but I'd look for a better round. In my opinion, I'd prefer overkill with a larger grain bullet than under kill.

bill k

New member
The round I mentioned, 55g ballistic tip destroys coyotes. I hope you didn't take my response as rude, I just thought you were using it for deer.


New member

Sureshot, I take it that you know the reason for the arguments above against the nippy little .22?

It is just so that with even the best commercial bullets, when it impacts on anything this side of 200 yards it is going to break up, loose mass and momentum and may very well not reach the vitals.

At more than 300 yds it is not possible to exactly place that light (thus loosing energy very rapidly) projectile exactly, 90 degrees on, into that soft spot behind the shoulder.

After 300 it may not have enough momentum to go through the shoulder blade, or not deflect from a rib.


New member
Where does it say in my post that I use A 22-250 cal for deer?
I guess it doesn't say you are actually doing it, but how about right in the title of the thread . . .
22-250 Cal. for Whitetail
And the first sentence in the post . . .
What do you consider to be the best bullet and Brand of cart. to use when hunting Deer with A 22-250 Caliber Rifle.


New member
300 yards?
theres more than a problem of energy ay 300 yards.
even the best 60-70 gr. bullet w/ a MV of 3400 is going to drift 7-8 INCHES in a full value wind of only 10 MPH. i dont know about you guys but thats alot bigger than what i consider a kill zone.


New member
You guys sure freak out when people talk about using anything other than a 300 Gigantizoid Magnum on deer. People kill them with BOWS!!, they are not armor plated metal beasts with Chevy 350s for hearts. They are thin skinned , smart, yet wimpy little animals. A 22-250 has about 47 times the energy of arrow. A well put vital shot out of a 22-250 using a VMAX would probably drop an Elk in its tracks. Yeah , a bigger bullet would be better. I plan on taking 3 deer this year with my AR15 using Vmaxs. And I plan on taking 2 deer with my Ar 30 300 Win mag ( 300 Gigantizoid Magnum )


New member
Why would anyone think you were going to hunt deer???

What do you consider to be the best bullet and Brand of cart. to use when hunting Deer with A 22-250 Caliber Rifle. I would like to hear from hunters that are using this Caliber for this purpose

I can't imagine why anyone would think you were going to hunt deer with a 22/250..........

joe poteat

New member
Why can't people just answer a persons question in a forum? Seems like a lot of people have nothing better to do than to snipe at people asking simple question. My 2 cents.