
New member
Don't have one yet, but have been reading and listening. The general consensus among those who have them now is that they shoot flat, buck wind, retain energy and completely wreak havoc upon the critters.


New member
Looks like a fast effective round. I wonder how long the barrel will last before it is wore out?


New member
i've read a bit on this caliber too, prevously i didn't much of it, but all i've read has me very interested in one.. as far as barrel ware goes i use to put that as not a buy, but now adays changing [not it was back then] barrels sleveing or even ream a new calibur is not such problem or that costly, at least my way of thinking about it, if you really enjoy the sport, what the hey its just money rite... Ha! :rolleyes: :)


New member
Just buy one

and you'll see what we mean. I've had one a couple years now, and it is an absolute pleasure to shoot. Laser-flat, accurate, and minimal recoil. Finding reloading components as well as dies and accessories has become a lot better in the last year. No problem with that anymore. My Savage is more accurate with the 32 gr. bullets....I use BL-C(2), Varget, and H335 and H322.
Getting to factory velocity (4200 fps) is not a huge thing with me; most of my loads are around 4000 fps., and that little bullet can do some impressive things at that speed.
Get yourself a .204 and see for yourself. :D


New member
204 ruger

I've got a 204 Ruger Varmint Mark II and am having a great time with it. Very accurate with the 32 gr Vmax in front of bl-c(2). Not able to get much above 4000 fps but the prairie dogs don't seem to notice the difference. Very easy to handle and with the light recoil you can see the hits. I think the 204 will be around for quite awhile.


New member
cobra81 nailed it

I've had a Cooper for about 2 years. My partner has a Remington. Mine too shoots 30, 32, and 35 gr. bullets better than the 40's. I also use BL-C (2), H-335 and 748.
I've posted on this before. I really like the 204. Since 1977 I've had heavy barreled rifles in 243, 222, 22-250. They all shot good but all things considered I prefer the 204 right now.
I'm not getting the factory speed either. My loads are settled in now at just under 4100 fps.


New member
It uses lighter, smaller diameter bullets than the .224 caliber cartridges in it's speed class. If you're going to reload, the .204Ruger would have a very slight advantage because it uses less powder. If you're going to shoot factory rounds, the .22-250Rem is much easier to find in stores. Plus it will be hard to find 20cal cleaning supplies in stores. I love Ruger. But this cartridge just doesn't have a place with me. The .22-250Rem has already filled that spot for 40 years.


New member
I bought a Savage in 204 about 2 years aga and use it primarily for Coyote Hunting.

I don't handload for it (it's the only rifle caliber I dont load for) and I use Hornady Factory 32 grain ammo.

I was kind of afraid that it would be too light for Coyotes but as you can see it has worked out fine so far and have'nt losta a single dog. All of these were dead right where they stood. Not so much as a twitch.



This one was shot running away at about 120 Yards. 1 shot behind the ribs rolled him up bad.


quack fiend

New member
10 years from now, overheard at shooting ranges everywhere: you're shootin' a two-oh-what? where do you find ammo for that wildcat? shoulda bought a 22-250 :D


New member
i don't know about that QuackF.... i think in ten years you'll hear " hey you wanna trade... my 22/250... for your .204 pea shooter"....!? i just sold a 788.22/250 an was gonna buy a 300S mag 700, but now kinda undecided..........:confused:
Rich G,..;)
223,22/250,243,308 all 700's
35 marl,270 ithica,3-10/22's 75winny

The Gamemaster

New member
With Remington making no less than 10 different models of the .204, it is not going to dissappear anytime in the near future.

The .17 and the .17 Fireball - isn't going to be as popular in the long run.
Remington only came out with 2 models of the Fireball and one of the regular .17 Remington this year.


New member
Personally, I have heard and seen nothing but great things from this round. Borrowed a friends ruger in .204 and went through a box of ammo on a local prairie dog town. deadly accurate! Flat shooter, no recoil! pleasure to shoot. Had been thinking of getting a 17HMR, but now I am stuck between the 204 or the 17HMR.

Before shooting the .204 I had relied on my .218 Bee (single shot break open) or my .223 Bushmaster Varminter (great for quick cleaning of prairie dog towns). I think I am really going to have to look in to the .204 as my next purchase.


New member
Heck, buy them ALL. :eek:

Might as well, you will eventually anyways. The .204 doubters are the ones who have never had much experience with them. I have never met an owner who didn't love theirs. They will not be dead in 10 years. Well, unless Hillary bans them all in '09 :(

When I bought mine, I was trying to decide between a .223 and a .204. I already knew the virtues of the .204, and the owner of the store sold me on a CZ527. He could have sold me a much more expensive rifle, but said that he had so many piggyback sales from the 527 in the .204. That says a lot.

The .223 seems to be about the easiest sub-moa cartridge to shoot betweeen factory loadings and reloads, but the .204 seems to be its equal. I haven't shot much factory, but it is all sub-moa (I've only shot Hornady and Winchester), and reloads are MUCH better. Several different powders provide excellent results (as in everyone I have tried: Varget, H322, H335, IMR4064, IMR3031, etc.)


New member
I tried a couple of them...

What's the general consenus of the Ruger .204 round?

I've actually shot several of them, from a Cooper to a Ruger 77 to a Browning A-Bolt. It doesn't do anything my .223 rifles won't do, and certainly won't do anything my .220 Swift cannot do. Nor do I feel like buying dies and reloading components for the .20 caliber. I got suckered into the .17 centerfire spiel several years ago, and as the old saying goes, "Fool me once..." ;)

BTW, for those who commend the .204 Ruger's lack of recoil, I have to ask - compared to what? A .223 Remington? My Gawd! :eek:
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Dave R

New member
I seem to be noticing a trend. Folks who say the .204 is going nowhere, don't own one.

Folks who own one seem to love it.


New member
.17HMR a competitor with .204Ruger? Come on. Give me a break. Try shooting a p-dog at 400 yards with the .17HMR. Even if you do aim 4 feet high and hit it, it will probably bounce off it LOL. *** are you talking about?


New member
It's funny...

The guys that own the .204 are sold.

The guys that DON'T own .204's talk smack about the caliber, yet many guys I know that talk down to the .204 have never actually SHOT the .204. I've talked 3 of my buddies into shooting my .204, and 2 have sold their 22-250's and have switched.

I've said it before - if the .204 was the 40 year old caliber and the .22-250 JUST came along, the 22-250 would not stand a chance.

The numbers don't lie. All things equal, optimal/common loadings of the .204 vs optimal/common loadings of the 22-250 result in:

The .204 shoots flatter
The .204 has less muzzle jump
The .204 has less muzzle blast
The .204 burns less powder and is easier on barrels
The .204 has less wind drift downrange

Now, if it's like every other 22-250 vs .204 post, the 22-250 folks will come on here and tell me I'm full of it. Then, in a day or two I'll post data that proves these points. :p


dirty habit

New member
Had mine out today. Super accurate round, most of my working up loads were under an inch at 100 metres, so kinda makes it hard to pick which one to use. Recoil only little bit heavier than my 22 hornet, and doesnt jump around so you can see the bullet strike. I think in the long run its gonna be pretty easy on barrels too, it took about 7 or 8 fast shots before the barrel started heating up (in a sporter bbl)
Give it a go, i think you might like what you see!!