.204 in mauser action?


New member
Does anyone out there know if a K-98 mauser is suitable for Ruger .204 conversion. Bolt face dimension? Magazine mod?


New member

In a standard M98 type bolt, the cartridge head recess opening typically measures about .004 to .005 larger than the .473 diameter of a 7mm or7.9mm military cartridge rim. The 204 Ruger is based on the necking down of the 222 Rem. mag., with a case head diameter of.378, that said i would look for an action with a.378 bolt head (222-222 mag.-223 Rem.). Hope this answers your question!


New member
Get a .22-250 barrel installed with a 1 in 12 twist rate. A .22-250 won't require any modification to your bolt. What caliber is the barrel on your Mauser?


New member
Did'nt know it already had a bbl. on it. What is the cal. and what are you wanting to do with a new bbl..There are a lot of cal's. that will work on (in) a mauser action! Could be other reasons why it doesnt shoot, need more info...


New member
Mine has an 8 MM bbl on it. It is a stock k98. I found the action screws were loose. The lock screws they put on at the factory have cutouts in them to lock the action screws. these cutouts didn't let the action screws tighten properly. I also free floated the BBL which was a chore because the wood was warped to the right and put pressure on the bbl from the side. I used a round scraper and free floated the wood and used a dremel on the metal bayonet lug to free the bbl. I haven't fired it yet, but I'll bet that it will shoot better now. I just want it to be accurate. If I can't get it to shoot well, I'll rebarrel it to something else.


New member
Do you reload? If you do and can't find a load that works in your rifle, then take it to a smith and have him check the bore and rifling. If the throat is eroded but the rifling is good then you can have him ream it to 8mm-06. I had this done with a VZ24 Mauser that had a bad throat. It is a much cheaper way to go than rebarreling your rifle, but only works if you are going to reload.