.204 AR


New member
Just been doing some thinking and was looking into getting a .204 barrel for my AR. Does anyone know where I could get a cheap barrel that is still going to shoot damn well? I would like it in the 24" range and be able to get rid of heat fast (like bull barreled or fluted) not worried about weight as I wouldn't carrry it anywhere just accuracy and a cheap $ tag. Anyone heard about www.model1sales.com ? Where do they get there supplies? And midway will be getting a DPMS .204 barrel soon that is only $195.
Thanks for your knowlege

Also does anyone know about the twist rates in a .204?
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New member
Well I see that didn't get any replies... hmm... I'll ask something else also. If you look at a JP enterprises barrel they have these fins. do you think they work better? and if so why don't you see them on more barrels?

sneaky pete

New member
Cooling Fins work

Sneaky Pete here: Oberg--I've got a JP Enterprises Grade II upper W/a 24" Bull bbl free floated with cooling fins under the handguard and shoot it down here in very southern Florida. When firing Slow fire the fins don't seen to make a whole lot of difference BUT when the Match goes to the Rapid fire stages ie 10 rounds in 20 sec and 10 in 22 sec the fins actually do help disipate the heat. So there you are Slow fire no big deal, Rapid fire the cats ass. It was worth the $50 JP charged for it. THANX--SNEAKY
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New member
I was just in Florida Sneaky Pete and let me tell you. Your winters are much more amazing then the winter up here. How well did your JP shoot and did you reload for it or just use factory?