2019 Wyoming Gun Bill(s)


New member
There are only two firearms related bills introduced this year, HB0183 and SF075 (House Bill & Senate File) and are identical bills titled "Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments".

As written, anyone who can legally carry a concealed weapon could do so in any local or state government meeting, including legislature. In addition, a concealed carry permit holder could carry a concealed weapon in any public school, elementary through university.

It also restricts any state agency, city, county or other entity from regulating firearms in any way. It does not prohibit private property owners from restricting firearms on their property.

Here's a link to the Senate File: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2019/SF0075


New member
On Wednesday SF075 failed a Do-Pass vote in Senate Judiciary committee 2-3.

Today if failed a Recall-From-Committee vote 8-20-2. One of the aye votes in committee was a nay on the recall.

HB0183 is still waiting to be referred to committee, but it's probably dead too.


New member
The Wyoming legislature passed a constitutional carry bill in 2011, and apparently feel that they got it perfect the first time. They have pretty consistently rejected most or maybe all attempts since then to modify it in any meaningful way.