2008 President??


New member
Our prelimary choices for our next president does not bode well for our type.
We are (according to membership numbers) 30k+! and this is just one pro 2A site! If we could field one candidate based on 2A beliefs with an open mind on other issues and each of us recruit another in our cause, we could influence the general election enough to change our options!!!
Does anyone here feel strong enough to do what is right?
Tired of deterioration of 2A? which is next?
Are there enough of us to defeat the San Fran-types?
(apparently not enough there---how about outside of San Fran?)
Any early votes for a TFL/PDO member for president?
Any one wanna put their name in the hat?
I am a semi-analytical, individualist, that believes in Constitutional law and intent. I feel the Legislature is a group that makes more laws to justify their existance and the Judicial branch makes laws, as opposed to follow them as originally intended. The Executive branch is a joke, no matter who is in office, and we need a leader that doesn't pander to big business or politically correct wackos.
So many Americans are disenfranchiesed with all the government systems and red-tape that everyone schemes to "get over" and save a few bucks!
Want to buy real estate in SE NC? I can hook you up! OK, I just justified using my computer for business deduction!
If I were president, I'd tell congress to slash 95% of the laws on the book, tell the Supreme Court to just deal with yes or no issues concerning the Constitution. Make things simple, understandable.
I'd de-illegalize pot, coke and heroin, set up a taxed system like NC ABC laws. I'd prosecute violent and firearm using thugs and fill jails with them instead of druggies. There'd be a flat tax and no tax on food and housing and an increase in credits on home interest payments and an increase child expenses. I'd give dollar for dollar credit for companies providing medical insurance for employees (not just full time).
I'd give the UN the boot and demand full payment of monies owed.
I'd tell other countries that owed us money to pay up or give US tourists free hotels and airfare.
I'd open up Alaska and other offshore sites for oil exploration so we wouldn't be dependent on the Mid-East.
I'd promote hydro fuel.
I'd scrap environmental bull**** lawsuits that delay everything.
I'd increase deer seasons everywhere.
I'd increase logging with open access for recreational endevours, while requiring replanting.
I'd declare a national firearm carry permit (18 yr old +, not on probation or in jail)--do the time, all rights are restored, but long prison time for unlawful firearm violations.

Any other changes??
Make it broad, yet specific and enforeable and realistic!
My name is Mic, I want to change the way government operates.
I want to be on the 2008 ballot!
Spread the word!
Give me things you want changed!
I am a party unto myself!
Tell other 2A about me!
Give me ideas!
While it's nice to see another fired up Libertarian, the reality is that the powers that be will probably annoint Rudy Guliani for two terms the way they annointed G.W. Bush and klinton.

I am a party unto myself!
Tell other 2A about me!


I'd give the UN the boot and demand full payment of monies owed.
I'd tell other countries that owed us money to pay up or give US tourists free hotels and airfare.

What about China and Japan??? We owe THEM several trillion dollars. You're dancing a very dangerous game there, demanding the immediate payment of debts. We're barely paying interest to them. They could crash our economy at almost any time by simply demanding payment.


New member
For Japan? Just charge them for the costs of Pearl Harbor, rebuilding Japan, and all costs for WW II that was initiated by Japan. For China? Ban all imports from them....it would totally ruin China financially.


New member
I'd like to point out that just being president doesn't give you unlimited power. Consider the problems which any administration has in pushing what it wants into the lawbooks, let alone all the unpopular, (and might I add, a few foolish), resolutions you are proposing.

Just initiating large-scale economic warfare is going to do nobody good, and if your plans regarding international debt go into place, I suspect more than a few economies, including ours, would go down in flames.
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New member
I'm sure that whomever the choices are they won't be good (when have they been lately?), but I wouldn't be too convinced of who it will be yet. People always make the same predictions after a new election about what's going to happen in four years, and they're usually wrong.


New member
depending on who runs against you, you may get my vote(most choices are going to suck). but I dont like your stance on some things.

I'd de-illegalize pot, coke and heroin, set up a taxed system like NC ABC laws.
not too sure about the coke, heroin part.

I'd give the UN the boot and demand full payment of monies owed.
IM not a huge fan of the UN but we need to be civil with the other inhabitants of the planet.

I'd tell other countries that owed us money to pay up or give US tourists free hotels and airfare.
like AZ said.

I'd open up Alaska and other offshore sites for oil exploration so we wouldn't be dependent on the Mid-East.
I dont like the idea of ruining a beautiful part of the country for "maybe" a year and a half worth of oil.

I'd scrap environmental bull**** lawsuits that delay everything.
I agree bogus lawsuits hurt everyone, but I would like the planet to be inhabitable for future generations.

If you adjust some of your stances, you would probably have my vote. like I said the guy running against you will more then likely be a peace of ****, you might get it anyway.


New member
First thought used to be Bill Frist, but am not so sure now.

Bush was a wolf in sheeps clothing, and Frist is the same way. Getting tiresome to choose between to unconstitutional candidates anymore.

And noone..

nice job falling into the media trap about ANWR. It's fricken tundra up there, nothing really to look and definatly not a major ecosystem.


two quick points about the original post...punishing business owners in other nations by forcing them to house fat obnoxious american tourists for free is simply wrong and hydrogen is NOT a viable alternative energy.

I would like cannabis legalized, however. In fact it could solve many of our fuel problems because a very large chunk of the oil we use for transportation is commercial and since hemp is one of the easiest plants in the world to grow it'd be a very abundant source of biodiesel. See the connection?


New member
Remember how the "Dean Machine" turned out to be a political Edsel, curious how the Democrats opted for a Vietnam veteran over someone who did not serve in the military. I think we're entering another era when people
consider military service an important part of a man's resume, especially when
he wants to be Commander in Chief. Slick Willie was the first President since
FDR not to have served in the military and in neither election did he pass the
50% of the vote barrier. And I note among the Democrats and liberals I know
there is little if any nostalgia for the Clinton years.