20-Round AK Mags?


New member
Just wondering if any of you have gone to 20-round AK magazines, either exclusively or for certain circumstances.

I bought several Hungarian 20-round magazines and fully intend to use them exclusively with my AK and lose the 30-rounders.

They are shorter and lighter than the typical 30-rounders and make the overall size of the carbine less obtrusive and more "handy" IMO.

I can see the 30-rounders for use in combat by full-auto AK's, but as that is not my purpose, I just can't see sticking with those long and "in-the-way" magazines.

Also, as most boxes of ammo come in 20 per box, not 30, its just a bit more convenient, not that you couldn't just load 20 rounds into a 30 round mag, but then you have that "empty" space hanging out there.

Just my thoughts.


New member
i plan on getting some 10s as well as 30s when i pick up my AK, for the same reason. The 10s are just super handy.

Different method, but i agree with you. I'd like to have a handful of 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s and whatever on up.


New member
me too

I like the 20 rd mags for all the reasons you state and.......... consider that most clones and civilian AK type rifles are semi-auto fire only.

A 20 rd mag for a semi only rifle plenty for anything I would ever use it for.

The 20 rd mags are easier to tote as well in web gear, pouches, etc.

B. Lahey

New member
No, I don't shoot kalashnikovs from prone with any regularity. The 30s don't get in the way from sitting or offhand positions, and they are ok for the rare bench shooting if you toss a folded up softcase on top of your normal rest.

I would like some 20s just for the heck of it, though. :)


New member
I mhave been looking at some short ones just to make the rifle handier to shoot. Most sandbags are too short for the 40 round mags. a 20 round or 10 round mag would make that easier.

Willie D

New member
I rarely use any mags at the range besides the 10-Rounder that came with my Saiga and occasionally a 20 rd Hungarian...


It's still hard to go prone with them. A ten rounder is ideal for that. I only have one ten round though (it's also a 5.45 mag) but all my other's are 30's and 40's. I'd totally trade the 40 for two 20 rounders though. The damn drum mas are less intrusive than the large-cap regular ones and hold even more. If you want tons of rounds available then get a drum mag but otherwise I kinda agree the 20rd mags are pretty good for regular purpose.


New member
I like the 20 rounders too. The magazine just stays out of the way a little better I think. Plus, 20 rounds per box...it just makes life a little easier.