20 parts lead to 1 part tin?


New member
Tin makes the alloy flow easier

Tin has two properties.

Lowers the melting point and reduces surface tension, just a bit. It makes the alloy easier to fill in the groves, as it were.

Antimony has much of the same properties.

Casting at a higher temp will also help.

a 25lb bag of magnum shot and a 1lb roll of 50/50 solder (tin:lead) will make fantastic alloy for casting 9mm bullets and other 38cal calibers.


New member
My usual mix is 18 lbs. WW metal and 2 lbs. of 50/50 solder. I bought quite a lot of solder years ago and got a really good price from a plumbing contractor. With the price of shot going through the roof lately, I'd try the WW mix. The local Goose Hill store is charging 36.99 a bag for Lawrence Magnum shot[we looked last Wed.]. OUCH!