20/20.. thought people should see


New member
John Stossel did a good job there. He's a libertarian, so naturally he's pro-gun and is more than willing to provide something of a counterweight to the anti-gun bias in much of the media. We have at least one friend in the media.


Regarding the leftist statistics at the end, I've always understood violent crime is HIGHER in "developed" nations with gun control than in America.


New member
You always have to be careful as to how the statistics are arrived.

For example a man goes crazy, kills his wife, 20 year old son, 10 year old daughter and then himself.

In the US that would be listed as three murders and a suicide.
(three "violent crimes")

In Japan that would be listed as four suicides
(Zero "violent crimes")

Oh look, America has higher violent crime!

In the U.S. the Brady campaign (and other groups) consider persons up to the age of 21 to be children so if someone is killed at 20 the statistics say it is a child who died.

Many other countries have a much lower "age of majority" so the population group of what is considered childern is much smaller and a person killed at the age of 20 is an adult.

Oh look, America has more childern killed.

etc. etc.


New member
Regarding the leftist statistics at the end, I've always understood violent crime is HIGHER in "developed" nations with gun control than in America.

It's not a new piece or anything but I usually recommend this article to people who are trying to understand "gun statistics" and to compare those statistics to different countries.


I'm still amazed it was published in Salon! And it is four pages long. Some people just read page one and miss the "Next Page" thing at the bottom.
