2 Thumbs up for Proload


New member
On the short list of "you get what you pay for", add Pro Load Ammo.

For some odd reason I've never fired Pro Load ammo. I got a "truck salvage" deal on a few boxes of their 230 +P rounds a few days back ($6.50/box) in a local "salvage shop", and after firing them over lunch a few days ago, decided to order more from them directly.

I ordered 200 rounds of Pro Load 200 grain .45 +P rounds to test against the Federal Hydrashok 185 +P rounds I normally carry in my HK USP compacts. It took only two days to arrive.

In terms of accuracy, controllability, and especially low flash, the Pro Load rounds, loaded with the pretty-much-proven Speer Gold Dots, were very, very good. Accuracy was on par with the Federal rounds, controllability and follow up shots were better, and in the flash department there was no contest. The Hydrashok rounds create a basketball size flash out of the HK, there was no flash detectable in the Pro Loads, even in the insufferable, poorly lit, half-the-damn-lanes are broken again filthy shooting dungeon we in SLC call Doug's Shoot n Sports (where I had the displeasure of having a prospective and somewhat erratic customer at the counter take a bead ON ME from across the room with his finger on the trigger of a pistol he was looking at ) :mad:

...but I digress....

Oh yeah, the Pro Load...
Extremely clean, too, with no firing residue- even the cartridge cases were almost shiny after firing- ON THE INSIDE.

I also purchased 50 rounds of their practice ammo, "qualifier" 230 FMJ's. These rounds were very accurate, and very clean.

It's not particularly cheap, but in the price/performance book they're pretty darn good. Service was great too, muy rapido.

Count me as "sold" on Pro Load.


New member
Agree Pro Load Excellent

I carry the Pro Load 230gr. JHP and have shot the 230 FMJ. Very pleased with both.:)


New member
I carry the ProLoad in both .40 and 10mm. Great stuff all around, I've yet to hear a negative comment from anyone about their ammo.

- Gabe