2 thoughts here


New member
Looking at the map of the mideast region I noticed that China shares a border with Afghanistan. Latest news is than Uncle Ben has boogied..........i'll bet a dollar to a donut hes in China now. (I hope Im wrong here) Im sure we wont bomb China anytime soon.
Secondly, does anyone find it stupid that they would hide our VP at Camp David and then broadcast all over the news that Bush is going to New York to view the damages???? Does someone need to remind the secret service that these suicidal subhumans are STILL in the country. How hard would it be for one of them to get a fake police uniform and get within 20 feet of him????

Gods speed to the rescue of the living still trapped.. they cant live forever without food and water.


New member
Hippie, a couple of things. * China has problems with Islamic militants in one of their provinces as well. Xinhing? sp? I'm not sure how to say that. And they want out of China.

The people there are not ethnic asians, so there isn't the real dangers of them blending in to Chinese society. But Bejing is worried about these people as well. If there was word that Bin Laden was in China, I'm pretty much positive that the Chinese would wipe him off of the face of the earth. They don't want these problems either.

One thing though. The Chinese military will be closely watching our reaction to this. If we are soft, then they will try and take advantage over us. If we are strong, then they will have reason to worry about us getting involved.

If we aren't strong against our enemies when our own cities are attacked, they know for certain that we won't be strong responders to protect Taiwan.
And they will act accordingly.

*Edited because China does have a border with Afghanistan, I just overlooked it because it was small. My mistake.
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Then why would the Chinese be doing this with the Taleban, unless it's to try and appease them.



In a sign of Beijing's increasingly close ties with the Taleban regime in Afghanistan, China has signed a memorandum of understanding for economic and technical cooperation with Kabul, press reports from Afghanistan and Pakistan said.
The agreement was reported Tuesday, the same day terrorists hijacked four planes in the United States and drove them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A Chinese delegation signed the deal in Kabul with the Taleban's minister of mining, Mullah Mohammed Ishaq, the news reports said.


New member
Could be appeasment, or it could just be the Chinese trying to make some $. Either way, that's news to me.