2 pistols stolen


New member
I had 2 22 cal pistols stolen. A model 999 H&R & a S&W model 41 7 1/2" barrel.
I would like to offer a reward. $300 for the guns, $500 for the guns & an arrest & $700 for the guns, arrest & conviction.
Any ideas on the subject?
Is there a place to post stolen guns & serial numbers?


New member
Good luck...!!!
Have been trying to track down 30 that were stolen from me 3 years ago.....not even a wiff......:mad:


New member
Sorry to hear about that; but SOSARMS, you had thirty (30) guns stolen from you. Ouch. Like getting kicked in the crotch ouch. That's just inhumanitarian.

If you don't mind me asking, what was the total dollar amount lost in losing that many guns?


New member
Does anybody have any thoughts on my offered reward?
Somebody knows what happened to my guns. I'm hopinr for an angry wife or girl friend or a drug buddy that needs some cash. If anybody hears about a good deal on a S&W model 41 in Illinois or Indiana please let me know or check it out for me.
Here is what I've been posting.
I am missing 2 pistols.
A Smith & Wesson S&W Model 41 7 1/2" barrel 22 cal. semi-auto target
pistol with two 10 round clips. Serial # A759964
Harrington & Richardson H&R Model 999 22 cal revolver top break.
Serial # AY126582
I will pay $300 for the return of the guns, $500 for return of the
guns & information leading to an arrest. $700 for return of the guns &
information leading to a conviction.
If You have any idea about these guns please contact me
I am going to post pictures.
These are links to similar guns. The S&W model 41 is near identical. The model 999 May have slightly differant grips.


New member
Could who ever stole them pawned them? If so call ever pawn shop for about 50 miles.

Was it just the guns? If it was think about who knows you have them and ask them who they might have told. It was worked in the past.

I know of someone who had 35,000.00 in shop tools stolen by their neighbor. So don't pass up the idea that it could be someone that can see in a window.


New member
The guns were in cases on our nightstand. I bumped the cases the other day and noticed they were empty. There have been a couple of other robberies in the local area. All few items. One place had a camcorder, laptop and flatscreen taken. We don't know if anything is related yet. We've pnly had about 10 people total in our house in 6 months or so. For a period of time our downstairs bathroom was broken so people were going upstairs. We've been racking our brains trying to recall every single person that might have gone upstairs. I' spossible that the recent robberies have more in common with our missing guns than who was in our house.
Do you have any thoughts on the size of my reward offer?


New member
Well the last one does not really work. If they are arrested and have your guns then the conviction is out of the persons hands, so 200.00 more will not help anymore at that point.

If word gets out that you want your guns back for 300.00 for "sentimental" reasons then you may have a chance. Other wise it just suggests that they are worth more than the reward. You could even hint that you would let it slide if you got them back and you would still give them the money.

El Barto

New member
I doubt that your average thief will take the time to open the cases and take just the gun. I would have to assume that the person (aka worthless piece of ....) must have known what was where, if those were the only items missing.

As for the reward; it is a good incentive for some. But I believe that any member of these boards would gladly help you without expecting anything in return.
File a police report. That way the serial numbers will get into the national database of stolen firearms.

By all means call Pawn shops and leave them your number and the serial numbers of the firearms stolen. A buddy of mine found of few of his guns that way. Good luck.


New member
As for the reward; it is a good incentive for some. But I believe that any member of these boards would gladly help you without expecting anything in return.

As would I for anybody. I once called the police to run the numbers on a guv I bought cheap just to make sure it wasn't stolen. They gave me a ration of xxxt & played 200 questions with me. Why did I think it was stolen? I didn't. I just wanted to check. Where did I buy it? told them After all was said and done they refused to run the numbers.

The reward is offered mainly for other POS's that would turn in their buddy for a few bucks. IMHO POS tend to hang together.