2 May 05: NPR's Talk Of The Nation does Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law.

Chuck Dye

New member
On Monday, 2 May, from 11am ‘til 1pm PDT, Talk Of The Nation-National Public Radio’s talk show- will have a segment devoted to Florida’s recently passed "Stand Your Ground" law.

Please, everyone, listen in and, if possible, participate. Click the link for scheduling and local station information.

Martin Luther

New member
Thanks Huck

When calling, be sure to give real world examples, preferably your own personal experience on why "Stand Your Ground" is better than a "Duty to Retreat".

Also, remember the majority of the audience ranges from indifference to flat out hostility toward citizens owning, let alone carrying firearms.

Be firm, but also be calm and articulate- don't make the opposition's point for them.


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