2.5 inch 66-4


New member
Just snagged one of these in really good condition for 450 to go with my 686. This may be my next truck gun, put the 649 somewhere else!.

Now if only I can find a 696 and 681


New member
Sounds like a great deal. I've had my eye out for one myself to go with my 2.5 inch model 19. Nothing coming up in that price range around here.


New member
Congrats! :) Doesn't get any better than a snub Combat Magnum, and evidently won't either! ;) Regards 18DAI


New member
Range time tomorrow am. I can't wait! Shooting the 66 and an Amt backup 45 I picked up.

Made me glad I waited, almost bit on a dash 2 for 550 which compared to gun broker also seems not half bad price wise.

Saw a 681 over the weekend but priced at 600+ with buggered side plate screws so who knows what lurks inside.


New member
I've got a 2.5 66 -0. They are great revolvers, and you're going to love it. They are at the top of the class for CC revolvers. I think it will be to good for a "truck" gun. EDC, yes.

Deaf Smith

New member
Love those short M66 revolvers!


On the right is my 66-4.


On the left is my 66-1


And yep, on the left is my 66-3.

I pack a Glock but I love revolvers. Especially short nosed ones.



New member
Just to cleanse my soul, I will confess my extreme stupidity. I had a very nice 3" model 66 that I used as my carry gun for years until we went to the Glocks. I didn't use it anymore and a friend had been after me for it for some time. I sold it. Dang it. Try finding a 3" K Frame .357, a 19 or a 66 sometime. They are out there but they have gone high. That is twice now that I have sold a really nice gun for motorcycle parts. I guess I am a slow learner. My bike is fast though.


RsqVet, good luck finding a 696. I bought one in 1996 and I have never seen another one. Never thought they would become a grail gun. But be very careful if you find one. A great many owners have tried to turn them into .44 Magnums and beat them up pretty bad. Look it over REAL good before you buy. Taurus and Rossi also made medium frame .44 Spl. and they're still around.


New member
I passed in a 696... Did not have the cash ar the time.... That was during obama panic when lots of folks unloaded revolvers to buy ar receivers.


New member
You've got to love a K Frame. While the larger L Frames are certainly nice enough guns, they never seemed to balance as well in my hand or be as visually appealing as a K Frame (full underlugs aren't really my thing). A 2 1/2" M66-2 is one of my regular carry guns.