1yrs' work


New member
Springfield O3A3, Remington. Had been previously sporterized.
Now sports a Richards' thumbhole, acraglas bedded and floated. Ca Claro walnut w/ rosewood tip and heel. Harrels muzzle brake. .020 overbore on the brake. Fresh hot blue job and brake installation.
Has a new Burris FF2 3x9.
60 rds this morning. Feels like a .243


New member
Springfield O3s' as well as Enfields', U.S. military issue were all 30/06. Regular muffs work well w/ the noise, but then, I wasn't standing to the side either.


New member
That thar be a darn fine lookin' shootin' iron, ye betcha!

Who is the brake by?

Have the same stock on a varminter but with maple end and nose caps...

Again, lovely job -- wear well!


New member
You've got that scoped perched up pretty high though.

Yep, need to have experience w/ a O3A3 safety.....They swing probably 120-130 degrees directly over the bolt. Actually clears about 1/8in now. Think gloved hand.....There is supposed to be a 40 degree conversion I may look into later.
Just test fired a bunch today, I have to go back and locktite everything now and then rezero. I just wanted to get some rounds through it and see what the brake was like. By the the time I was done I had loosened the rear ring mount.