1st squib


New member
Well...I had my first squib this morning while at the range. This from one of my first batches of .45acp. Gun=Kimber Ultra Carry II. This gun is finally getting broken in with about 600-800 rounds threw. At first I thought I maybe had a mechanical failer on the gun because its about -5 degees outside and with all the smack talk about kimber lately here at TFL. The gun was cycling flawlessly then all of a sudden....failier to go into battery. I didn't want to be looking down the barrel at the range so I waited to get home to investigate. Sure enought there was a bullet stuck right about 5/8ths of an inch down the barrel. I took a small dowel and punched it out......whew!!!!


New member
I've only had one in 15 years of reloading and it was a few weeks ago in my CZ75 9mm. I just took it apart on the line and got the range tool and popped it out. Important part is to recognize when it happens, especially if in a revolver.....................ck