1992 LA riot


New member
Lots of video from Korea Town on the net.

I recall one short video of a man on his front porch, guarding the house, with an M1 Garand.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
A big shock for the ignorant was the discovery of the waiting period to purchase a firearm.

The riot was a "Now!" problem, but buying a means of self-defense from a licensed dealer meant a wait of some two weeks.


New member
There was a 10 round mag cap IIRC. I was on vacation visiting family in Lakewood and was recalled when it kicked off.

Many of the weapons used were stolen from LGS in the area by rioters.

The gun laws weren't all that different.

I have to say it felt weird to buy a gun once I left CA and just walk out with it.

My Grandfather told me that the wait was so they could do a background check originally, not as a cooling off period. I was little and don't know for certain.

Sorry I am off topic, the weapons our guys carried was the MP 5, 870, Mini 14, 37mm gas gun, Barrett's 92, and/or the S&W 38.

Civilians used what they had. I saw some 22s, bolt guns, shotguns, lever guns and all sorts of stuff. Didn't see too many handguns, but you can bet they were there!

I was working for American Rifleman at the time.

We got reports after the fact that just about every firearm that qualified as antique or collectible (and not subject to the 15 day waiting period at that time) sold out in hours.

Apparently people who had been all for the every tightening gun laws were absolutely shocked and immensely angry when they found out that the laws applied to them.


New member
Why? Because I'm interested in the riot

Again I will ask why?
You have to understand that a lot of us here are concerned about any information we provide concerning the possible negative aspects of firearms. And being out side the US you probably don’t see the normal attack the NRA and gun collectors get from anti gunners.
I'm making a photo album and would really appreciate if you could post photos of guns involved in the riot. Thanks
Also every gun used in the riot is easily researchable including who and photos of the guns. Poliece used issued weapons from the time. As far as the rioters, anything they could get.

What is the photo album going to be used for?
Don’t mean to be rude but a simple explanation of why your making the photo album might help.



New member
Oh believe me, I think I know some stuff about NRA and anti-gunners backlash. I know what kind of attacks NRA gera no worse than you I think. Btw there are so-called anti-gunners in any given country where guns are allowed. And one more thing, I'm gonna be moving to US in about 2 years, so all these topics and disputes are important to me.
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New member
And why should you be concerned about the content you provide? US is more or less free country and your Constitution's first amandment guarantees free speach right. Or am I not getting something? I'm making this photo album for myself and myself only. And thanks a lot for the links
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New member
Greetings new guy from the other side of the world. If you intend to move to the USA and become a naturalized citizen, let me be the first in this thread to welcome you!

Here at a globally accessed firearms enthusiast site, we look at such requests from out of the blue as (possible!) anti-gun folks parading around as "interested people" who might wish to gain our help in (somehow?) painting the private ownership of firearms in a bad light.

Nobody suggested that you go pound sand, nobody accused you of being the enemy, but there is often going to be the underlying concern about the motives of a new poster with no active history here, especially from a foreign land where the average American has no concept about that citizen's ability to personally own firearms.

It's not a secret to most of the world outside of the USA that most American people have very little idea about folks in foreign lands and their particular gun laws and rights with regards to owning firearms, but it would be safe & accurate to say that generally speaking... the average American believes that most folks not living in the USA are unlikely to have the firearm related freedoms that we do have. And frankly, NONE of us believe that we have enough of them ourselves and we fight constantly in regards to that.

What will be bringing you to the USA to live?
And have you picked a destination? You should know that where you intend to land here will have a monumental affect on your own personal liberties, especially with regards to gun ownership. This cannot be stated too strongly.
In San Francisco, the King Riots swept down Market Street. About 1 1/2 blocks away on Second Street was the SF Gun Exchange. I was told the owner and a few trusted employees secured the store with the roll down screens. They then loaded up their thirty round magazines and waited. Thankfully no one was stupid enough to try.

On Sixth Street stood the old U.S. Mint. It's a survivor of the '06 Earthquake and fire. There was an exhibit with $1 million in gold (think in terms of $280 an ounce). Up the street stood a sporting goods store (tennis, shoes, clothing, balls 'n bats). That place was looted. No one went near the old mint (two armed Mint Police alone were inside securing the building). Goes to show what was more important to the looters. Easy loot or big bucks at the price of a few lives (meaning some of the looters would have been shot).

Over a million dollars of damage was done by the rioters with store fronts broken into and looting.


New member
LA Times Timeline w/ pictures

BTW: Los Angeles county banned all gun and ammunition sales at the beginning of the riot.

Not exaclty correct. The ban came on Apr. 30th; day 2 of the riot. The ban on ammo even prevented the Police and
Sherrifs deputies from getting more ammo for themselves. But all you had to do is go to the
next county over and you could still get what you wanted before the shelves went empty.

We got reports after the fact that just about every firearm that qualified as antique or collectible
(and not subject to the 15 day waiting period at that time) sold out in hours.

I had a couple of co-workers get turned away due to the 15 day waiting period. I sent them back to
the store with a shopping list to give to a buddy of mine behind the counter......They told us that people
went ballistic because they got guns with no waiting period.
The clerck pointed to the wall where there was a sign above three guns that they stocked at the time.
The sign said Curio & Relic No 15 day wait. Below the sign was a M1 Carbine, M1 Garand,
and a SMLE. Guess what they sold a lot of suddenly and in which order?
They came back with M1 Carbines, ammo, two spare mags. and cleaning kits. Considering they
both lived in Wilmington (one of the riot zones) they were happy campers. Our counter man and
myself de cosmoed the guns and showed them how to break them down and service them.

Apparently people who had been all for the every tightening gun laws were absolutely shocked
and immensely angry when they found out that the laws applied to them.

And did nothing in the aftermath to change it.

My Grandfather told me that the wait was so they could do a background check originally,
not as a cooling off period.

Correct. And many store personnel were ticked when they tried to turn in info on prohibited
purchasers and the police did NOTHING. As in Convicvted Felon attempting to purchase.

What were gun laws like in 1992 LA? Where were any regulations like these days?
Many of the Kali. stupid laws were passed in 1989. A few before that and some after but the AWB
went into effect in 1990.


New member
free country and your Constitution's first amendment guarantees free speech right.

When you have a government that is monitoring and recording every phone call in the last 8 years, having the IRS go after conservative groups, having the ATF help transport guns across into Mexico then blame gun owners for the killing using those guns.
A congressman trying to start a bill that makes it illegal for news organizations to make negative comments on the current administration.
Yea we are free, great constitution that gives us freedom unless you have an administration that doesn’t believe in the constitution.
Hope you make it over and I get to shoot with you on one of our fine ranges some day.