1991A1 Trigger and grip fit


New member
I have a colt 1991A1 45 and I was wondering how to determine ideal trigger length?

Also what do I do to improve the grip? By the time I have 3 shots off my hand has slipped down the front of the grip and I'm pointing high. I don't have the strength of a young man any more.

The pistol is stock.


New member
Hand size and mainspring housing will determine the length of the trigger. I have small hands and prefer the "wedge" style mainspring housing with a short trigger. With a flat mainspring housing a long or medium is fine for me. Be sure your trigger finger isn't reaching for the trigger face. Should be comfortable in the middle of the pad of the finger.

For your grip, get some skateboard tape (Home Depot) and put it on the front strap. Works as good if not better than checkering, though not as astheticslly pleasing. Make sure your grip is as high on the gun as you can get it.


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