

New member
I realize that this is a republic, not a democracy, but how did things get so out of hand from what our founding fathers envisioned?
How did campaign contributions over-ride community voice?
How did the IRS become so powerful?
How did basic human rights become priveledges?
How did "all men are created equal" become subjective?
How did "Thou shalt not " have caveats?
Who made hollywood the social benchmark of right?
Who made personal responsibility someone elses responsibility?
What is the limit number of laws congress can make?
How did it become that the best system of justice has become the one no one trusts anymore?

The "checks and balances" in government have become "I'll run amok on the Constitution, you back me up, or I'll make a law to screw you".
I have no faith in the government, no faith in the justice system and no faith in the legislature, yet I must play by the rules and become a sheep.
I'd go to prison on principle except for the rape part involved!
Either way, I feel I'm being raped.
Get raped everyday by the laws and requirements and priveldges provided and just get used to it, or get raped in prison violently and get used to it.
This isn't what America should be!
I am an American! I should be proud to proclaim this, world-wide, and have others envy me and wish they were like me and I should get "high fives" everywhere I go throughout the world!
Yet, I am concerned about my safety because of my nationality! But, sad to say, no more concerned if I were in Washington DC, than in Bogata, Mexico City, Perth, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Thailand, Tokyo, etc.!!
I only travel in NC reciprocity states, because I'm GONNA carry! There ain't nothin' in those states I can't carry that I could visit that is worth my life to see! You provide me the troopers to surround me like the hollywood elite and I may consider it. (Now I'm not so niave to know that they don't pay for those services from the troopers, but let me pay the same percentage of income and see if I get an entourage!)
Let Jane Fonda drive a 1995 Honda Civic, or Mike Farrell drive a Nissan Sentra through Harlem, or East LA, unescorted and break down, a
nd then let them tell me about carrying a gun is dangerous!
The people telling what you can and can't do are so far out of touch with reality, it would scare them into requiring everyone of wear body armour!
Let anyone carry eveywhere would solve most violent crime.
Prosecute and actually jail violent predators.
Weekly tests for those convicted for drug use, job programs for dealers, legalize drugs, regulate like liquour. How many Illegal alcohol manufacturers were jailed last year compared to drug pushers? Legalize drugs, tax it, provide re-hab. It would cost much less than the "war on drugs". Tighten the borders with the savings.
How hard can it be to run a country the right way?
To me, it's simple.
Wanna vote for me for '08?
Simple, Constitution, Reform, Liberty


New member
Well it seems to me that the root cause of all of this is that when small government morphs into big government, things inevitably begin to change. Unlike the nation that our founding fathers envisioned - but very much LIKE the nation they with which harbored sufficient grievances to go to war to fight for their independence - we now live in a huge country with a very powerful government. Power. A compellingly ominous concept.

You know, it's a miracle that America has retained as much of herself as she has, over the years. I am glad for that. I am also worried. What's next? I don't know.

Glock 31

New member
The uneducated call this country the land of the free because we all have the freedom to go down to burger king and eat ourselves into a coronary. I'm afraid that's not the freedom we knew and loved. It's capitalism in conjunction with commercial entities telling you every night that the country is running great and there are no worries. Give up your guns and the criminals will follow suit and we will all live in brotherly love and harmony. The self absorbed vanity pushing hollywood giants push how important voting is and at the same time complain about the ones in government, the ones that were in government and the ones going into govenment. And anyone who steps back, takes a look at the smear campaigning that becomes the norm during an election year will see that there's not really anyone worth voting for. If there not ***** whipped former army office jockeys pushing their papercut war injuries, they're campaigning on drug money, kickbacks, and behind the back payoffs from forbes 500 ceo's who fly to tailand twice a month for only God knows what. And then they praise the freedom of speech when someone who is in a bad mood decides his life sucks so he'll take on God. He then starts a lobbyist group to get God taken out of the schools, courts, and soon the general day to day life of americans. God should not be seen or heard except in your own home he'll say. And since the government pushes to tap your phones, emails, and spies on people at random, chances are your religion will soon be on the six o'clock news which brings down lawsuits because aetheists didn't want to hear about God when they turned on the news. You see ladies and gentlemen, the 1st amendment is alive and well on it's way to stamping out every other amendment below it. And we all know what's first on the list.

Just a little rambling on my part, maybe some this is true, maybe not. Who can tell anymore. How many of the seven deadly sins are not quite so deadly anymore, but rather common place thoughout society.

"The greatest act satan accomplished was convincing the world he does not exist".:cool: :(


New member

You are right! It's like we've become the very entitity we fought so hard against!
Is there any way we can "back off" from all the global squabbles concerning our interests?
Great Brittain/England was the greatest nation at one point, but during WWII, they were at the mercy of Nazi Germany and if not for the USA, they would've been decimated. Is there a lesson to be learned?
You can order all the smaller nations around, but if one rebels, can you count on the others to back you?
I think the USA is getting a bad rap trying to do good to everyone.
Too many countries are dependent on us, they know it, and resent it, but realize they need us, so keep their mouths shut, while harboring ill will all the same.
I think we oughtta tighten up, stop propping up other countries, toss the UN altogether, concentrate on our borders and self seficientcy(sp?) and debt reduction, even if it means no more outgoing money and cancellation of all foriegn debts. How many countries would be broke or have to shut down if the U.S. called in all debts??? World chaos would ensue!!!!
The wings of our eagle are too spread out for all the right reasons for everyone else, but not for our eagle! Our eagle is starving itself to feed all others! While our eagle is busy feeding all the chicks, the smart chick is planning a way usurp the power and turn the other chicks against our eagle.


That's a pretty nifty thread title. How about something more descriptive in the future? The objective of a thread title is not to make people wonder "*** is this," but rather to allow them to judge whether the thread is likely to interest them.

Plus, "!" is kindof hard to click on.


New member
How many of the seven deadly sins are not quite so deadly anymore, but rather common place thoughout society.

So many of those former "sins" are now "disorders" and those people are our "heroes"!
The best thing about this forum is the free exchange of ideas on a civilized level. Not everyone agrees, but the disagreement is usually civil (usually) and I find myself learning from thoughtful, honest, spoken from the heart, believers. True, most is one sided in favor of 2A, but just because we all agree on gun rights (in differing degrees), doesn't mean all of our other opinions are the same.
I think most of our opinions are deep, basic, human rights-rooted, wherein our actions are self-rooted as opposed to outward blame (I'm this way because someone else did this to me).


The answer is one word - socialism.

Starting with FDR, given a big boost by Johnson, the liberal/left socialist ideology as pushed forward by the democratic party has wreaked havok with the original intent and logical conclusions of the Consitution.

Glock 31

New member
I say unto you brothers and sisters, war is coming. Not war for oil, not war for freedom or change, but anarchists' war. War in your neighborhoods. War on your street. If change does not come on swift wings to this country, there will be firefights from house to house, and block to block. The combatants will not be marines, nor soldiers of any kind. But of citizens under siege, either by lawless bands of marauding gangs, or by government men attempting to confiscate every firearm in the land. Anarchy is on the horizon. Soon Red Dawn will not be a movie, but reality. And Russia will be the least of our concerns. Hear me in this plea my brethren, stand up and fight now. If not for your guns, if not for your rights, then for the very act of living. I say fight. And if death is unavoidable, die proud you stood for what you believed in. Die with honor and good a Christian heart, or a good Budhist heart, or a good Islamic heart, but die with a good heart nonetheless.:cool: :rolleyes: :D

P.S. hope I don't get banned for this.:D :D :D