1911A1 question..to customize or not ?

customize or not ?

  • customize it

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • don't void the warranty and ruin collector value

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


New member
Colt 1991A1 /SS Government Model, 7-shot, Stainless Steel, 5" barrel (New In Case) $629

would you customize it ? or keep your warranty intact ? :)


New member
Videcki trigger, throat and polish (if needed), flat mainspring housing, flared ejection port (if needed)

Jim Watson

New member
If you want to be sure and safe, shoot it a while in stock form so you can uncover any flaw that needs to be fixed on warranty, then fix it up to suit yourself.
Collector's value?
Don't make me laugh. The real question is whether you can get any good out of it before President Hillary melts it down.


New member
I wouldn't risk the warranty by speculating on what custom work it might need. If it doesn't work, you can take advantage of the warranty to get it fixed, and if it does work, you won't need any customizing.:)
I have a stainless '91A1, and the only work it needed was a retension of the extractor. I did swap out some parts to suit my preferences, but the gun ran well from new, after the extractor tweak.


New member
I'd put a few hundred rounds through it and if all is well swap out the parts you want. The mainspring housing and the trigger don't alter the gun in any way, so if need be in the future you can have the warranty work done.


New member
If it's a standard A1, it doesn't have any collector value now, and probably won't have much in the future.

How does the pistol run right now? If it's reliable and accurate, we would hope that you won't need the warranty.

Customize it if you want;it's your gun, and the 1911 is a good gun to customize. Use nice parts that are installed by someone who knows 1911s. Don't expect the new parts to add much (if any) value. Have fun!


New member
The fact that you are thinking of changing it means that it lacks something you want. Don't look at this 1911 as the one and only 1911, and you will feel much better about any alterations you may wish to do to it.

If you get your 1911 the way that you envision it, you will shoot it more often and enjoy it more. That in part is what firearm ownership is...enyoy your rights.



New member
The odds of a 1991A1 ever having any collector's value are like a snowball in hell.
Do what you want to make it what you want.

The mod on all my carry guns is a ginsite lowered thumb safety. This allows the thumb to ride above the safety in the off position and help control recoil better.


New member
that plastic trigger will be the first thing to go into a little ziploc bag that I will keep just in case I want to restore it to factory original :) if it has a plastic mainspring housing that will be next


New member
I would customize it. BUT I would do so in such a fashion so that it could be returned to it's original configuration. Not too hard to do, just make sure your gunsmith understands that you want the parts fitted to the gun and you want the original factory parts back. About the only thing I've done to my 2 older Colts (a 1991A1 Commander and a stainless Officer's ACP) is put in Wilson's drop-in beavertail and, on the Officer's ACP, a S&A magwell. I still have all the parts.

My older Government Model has been extensively modified, largely b/c the frame had a flaw from the factory that I didn't notice when I bought the gun. I've had the trigger redone, a beavertail gripsafety put in, Bomar sights, and a an extended safety.


New member
Have you shot it much??? Is there anything you need to "fix"? If you're okay the way it is & it shoots okay stock...leave it alone ;)