1911 vs. Glock 1000rd. competition


This is awsome, I would love to organize this near me. Shooters will fire 1000 rounds in this match, no cleaning or oiling once first shot is fired. Gun that does it without one malfunction wins personal gun. Then the organizers look to see if there were more Glock failures, or 1911 failures. So before you look, which one do you think won this year? How bout last year, and the year before?

edited to add: Results of this years competetion are on page 8


What I'd like to see is the 1911 vs. glock 1000 YARD competition. :) Then it'd be more about the gun, and less about the shooters.


Strange. This would have made a little sense if they guns were all at least the same caliber. But 9mm is easier on guns, produces less fouling and has a better feed profile than .45.

So, aside from all the other countless objections, I don't see why this could be considered a 1911 vs. Glock competition. I'm not so sure the problematic G21 would have done nearly as well as the star of the Glock line.
Handy, most of the 1911's were chambered in 9mm. I think the competition was very equal. The 1911 competed very well. Heck, it won last year. I'd bet most Glocksters never in thier widlest dreams would have imagined the competition to be that close. If you read the whole thing ( I know its long), there were alot of problems with the Glocks . Albeit they didnt cause a deffinate malfunction. One guy complained of how his trigger was getting stiff on his G17 because of the harsh conditions. It makes you think, can my gun do this? A 1000 rds. in one day? !


New member
Oh, so we used 1911s chamberd in a caliber that it was never designed to fire in the first place? Oh yeah... At least make both .45 - those Glock .45s are up to it aren't they? :p

Heh, heh - I agree only good guns can make this stretch... I remember the last 800 rd in one day class I attended. Close, but not quite 1 M. My gun functioned well, no problems whatsoever - not a single FTE or FTF...

Used a Sigma SW40F that day - whatya think theses guys' reactions would be if I showed up with that and asked for a side bet? I could really clean up. :D :D :D


New member
Interesting, even if I only read page 7. :)

They should have put Glock .45s against Colt .45s; factory guns w/no mods.


New member
What I don't like about those rules is that people are using different ammo. If you use dirty crappy ammo, you can make the most reliable gun jam. Blazers are among the dirtiest bullets I have ever shot. The Blazer Brass is just as bad if not worse. I even get junk all over my arms (probably unburnt powder). I have never had any problems with Winchester White Box or Remington UMC stuff though.

An interesting competition would be to fire freshly cleaned guns of the same make with different brands of ammo being the main variable. I'm sure the ammo manufacturers would love that!


New member
..I wouldn't trade my Colt Gov't 45 for 3 Glocks....a famous artist said he only wanted to paint beautiful pictures as the world already has too much ugliness in it...


New member
Blazers are among the dirtiest bullets I have ever shot. The Blazer Brass is just as bad if not worse. I even get junk all over my arms (probably unburnt powder). I have never had any problems with Winchester White Box or Remington UMC stuff though.

Just the opposite here. Winchester White Box is much dirtier than Blazer for me.


New member
One guy in another forum did try to start a 1911 vs. glock endurance test war, but im R.P. and i'd be more than willing to compete my box-stock norinco against any glock.

i think glock is in the disadvantage to pit against a 1911 in general. a lot of 1911 type pistols from various manufacturers are ultra-reliable. however, it would be more interesting to see a match up of a certain brand 1911 vs. glock. or a glock vs. XD perhaps would be equally interesting as both are striker fired and having the same mechanical format (almost the same). A pure 1911 contest would also be interesting. Colt vs. Kimber, Colt vs. Springfield, Springfield vs. Norinco, Norinco vs. Colt, Charles Daly vs. Colt, and so on... But of course big U.S. brands would never agree to this :D

FWIW id choose the 1911 against any other format.


New member
Childish, no value, but ...

Sounds like a lot of fun for the participants! and a great excuse to burn some powder.


New member
I think that is pretty neat indeed. As they mentioned towards the end of the thread, I think adding a couple more manufacturers to the mix would be cool.

10 beretta 92s
10 g17s
10 1911s
10 springer xd 9s
10 sig 9mms, maybe 226s
10 HK 9mms
10 CZ 9mms

Now that would be an interesting competition. I think they would all fair pretty well.



New member
They should have put Glock .45s against Colt .45s; factory guns w/no mods.
What's the definition of a factory, no-mod 1911 these days? A Colt 1991A1? A Springfield Mil-Spec? A Kimber Warrior? A Wilson CQB? I say do the same-caliber competition, but let them modify as they want. It's their gun and their reputation on the line.
I think that is pretty neat indeed. As they mentioned towards the end of the thread, I think adding a couple more manufacturers to the mix would be cool.

10 beretta 92s
10 g17s
10 1911s
10 springer xd 9s
10 sig 9mms, maybe 226s
10 HK 9mms
10 CZ 9mms
Sounds like an interesting idea. If the HK is a USP, it should be a .40, though. That was the original chambering of the USP.