1911 Rebuild

Deputy Dog

New member
I just took into posession a 1914 production Colt 1911 with a cracked slide, I think I am going to rebuild from the bare from up.... Any suggestions or Ideas and any other suppliers out there other than just Brownells? I will need a 1911 Shop Manual, who writes a good one? Colt said I could send it down to them, but I have the feeling I'm better off with after market parts, since seeing how they really didnt want anything to do with it except send it to their custom shop... Sorry, I'm not rich.....

Thank you for any input.....

Deputy Dog

Deputy Dog

New member
The back strap, the grip safety, the trigger, the safety lever, the extractor etc,etc, the gun was shot alot and I think I want to build it into a carry gun.... I am looking into Wilson Combat, and some other custom gun parts like Les Baer, Caspian, Cylinder & Slide, have an Idea of which parts I want for what I just dont know if they will all co-exist with each other.... I have always wanted to build a 1911 myself....

Deputy Dog


New member
Two thumbs up for the Jerry Kuhnhausen manuals. They have become my bible for 1911's.

Also, when considering work for your 1911, don't bypass Fusion Firearms. Check them out as they do quality work and don't have the prices of the other top brand names.

Good luck with your project. Post some before and after pictures.


New member
I assumed "rebuild" was along the lines of a restoration. A 90+ yo frame is not a good starting place for a gun that's going to be a shooter. The 1914 Colt frame is worth a lot more than a new Caspian frame, unless the former is really junk, in which case you don't want to build on it, anyway.


New member
Where is the slide cracked and how severe is the crack? What is the surface conditon like, any pitting or rust? If it were mine, I would check with a competent pistolsmith to see if the slide could be repaired to keep the pistol original. With a 1911 of that age it would be a shame to destory its value if it can be repaired. If there is much wear on the slide to frame fit, it could get expensive to build up the rails and fit a new slide.

Deputy Dog

New member
The frame looks Solid, the slide is cracked, all the other parts look fine, if I wanted to keep it for a collector piece I would try to find a slide of that year, there has been some stippling done to the front strap and the back strap... So therefore the value has been deminished greatly.... I have been trying to decide if I want to make it into a Commander size, or keep it full size... If I make it into a commander I believe I have to have the frame cut down, and there is no going back after that... I want it to be a shooter, I am going to bring it to a gun smith today to see if it is worth or can be worked on... I might just send it to colt to have a new colt slide put on in the near future... So many decisions, maybe I'll just sell it or trade it towards something else...
Don't know....

Deputy Dog


New member
it would be a shame to turn that piece of history into just another carry piece. Send it to a very good pistolsmith and keep it as original as possible. You can sell that gun and get a good carry piece with some change left over.

Deputy Dog

New member
The stipling done to the front strap has completely destoyed the value of this gun, the slide is cracked right near the extractor... on the bottum of the slide... Would love to keep it all original but dont think it will happen...

Deputy Dog

New member
I have decided to sell the 1911, dated 1914 and put the money towards a Colt 1911 Commander Lightweight, ser# 93XXXLW in 9mm configuration....
It is all original and I'll have the gun smith do a trigger job and a beavertail on it, then when I get some more money I'll him put some better sights and a ambi thumb safety.... And I'll keep the original parts just in case... It will most likely be my new carry gun...