1911 question.


New member
I going to a heavier recoil spring in my Para p-14ltd. Wolff spring supplies a firing pin spring that matches the recoil spring that it comes with.

Question is, if i go back to a standard weight recoil spring [factory] does that mean i would have to change the firing pin spring back to original specs?

thanks for any replies.

The firing pin spring that Wolff sent you is a complimentary safety upgrade. It is stronger than the factory firing pin spring to prevent accidental discharge due to a blow to the muzzle and the resulting inertia of the firing pin wanting to go forward. Actually, the factory spring is strong enough to overcome this inertia, but conventional wisdom says that the factory spring gets weak over time. This isn't really a concern with your ParaOrd due to the fact that it has the Series 80 firing pin safety. These springs are really meant to "upgrade" pre-80 guns, but what the heck...

Keep the complimentary extra power firing pin spring in your gun and pitch the original one. :)


New member
I like getting advice from people who have something to sell...

I'm all for free enterprise but the idea of replacing gunsprings that are not broken frankly seems to me a scam.

Oh wait a minute "Wolf Springs" is in the spring selling business... certainly an unbiased source on gun spring life...:rolleyes:


New member

IC of the SFPD I assume, gave the perfect answer and made your day. Change to the heavier recoil spring and don't worry. Make sure you run a hundred trouble free rounds though your pistol before using the new set up as a carry piece. Throw the old recoil spring and firing pin spring in your gun bag as you will need them at some point. Like it or not, 1911's do require more maintaince then Glocks. The recoil springs do need to be replaced every 2-3000 rounds depending on your load etc, etc...... and the Wolf's work very well.

Good shooting,



New member
Thank you.

IC & Dean, thanks very much for your input. Folks like you are what make this place what it is.
