1911 or HK45

1911 v. Hk45

  • Hk45

    Votes: 46 31.9%
  • 1911

    Votes: 98 68.1%

  • Total voters


New member
I am thinking of adding an other .45ACP to my collection. I am thinking either a high end 1911 or Hk 45 to import. I want to gun to be dead on reliable.

What do you guys suggest?


New member
Shoot both first then decide.
Trust me it is worth your money to try both before you decide which one to buy.


New member
‘1911’ is a platform, not a make or model. You need to specify the make and model 1911 you’re comparing to the HK.
'1911’ is a platform, not a make or model. You need to specify the make and model 1911 you’re comparing to the HK.

I second that. Also, more information is needed before a more sound opinion can be given.

Is this a range gun? CCW? Just for collection? Competition?

Are you willing to spend more on a 1911 than a HK45? How much more? If you're wanting a "higher end" 1911, my opinion is you're going to have to fork over more cash.

What features are you wanting in a 1911?
It wouldn't matter what brand of 1911 your talking about, I'd still go with the Hk45. Personally, I'm done with the 1911 platform. Its a classic and I love the ones I have but for me it's time to move on. Just my preferences.


New member
I am thinking of adding an other .45ACP to my collection. I am thinking either a high end 1911 or Hk 45 to import. I want to gun to be dead on reliable.

What do you guys suggest?

That's easy. HK 45, especially if this is for CCW. After owning two 1911s and a HK USP, there is no question. I'd go for the HK anyday. Although it may have a great trigger, I see no reason for getting a sometimes-reliable gun platform when there are so many modern and reliable .45 caliber pistols around today. In my opinion, the gun should work perfectly out of the box with as many hollowpoint bullet styles as possible. No aftermarket gunsmithing or tweaking should be required to get any gun ready for CCW.


New member
If you spend enough on the 1911, it will be reliable and ready to go out of the box. The OP stated he's thinking about a "high end 1911" not a mid-range Springer, Kimber, etc.


New member
If you spend enough on the 1911, it will be reliable and ready to go out of the box. The OP stated he's thinking about a "high end 1911" not a mid-range Springer, Kimber, etc.

Why should reliability have to come with a high price tag? Why aren't low-end 1911s tested and made to be reliable before they are shipped? The gun makers have to know that somebody out there may use their gun for CCW. That's exactly the reason I'd go for the HK every time. I have no use for a gun that may or may not work when you need it to.


New member
Why should reliability have to come with a high price tag?

It doesn’t

Why aren't low-end 1911s tested and made to be reliable before they are shipped?

They are.

I have two Colt’s 1911s that were and are 100 percent out of the box. The O1091 was purchased in June 2007 for $730 – it has been flawless. You need not spend ‘high end’ money for a reliable 1911. My most recent Colt, an S 70 reissue, was $960, on the high end of the price scale but again not ultra high end. It as also functioned perfectly since I got it November 2007. Neither pistol has had any after purchase work.

I use my Colts for HD/SD/CCW – I have 100 percent faith in them.
That's easy. HK 45, especially if this is for CCW. After owning two 1911s and a HK USP, there is no question. I'd go for the HK anyday. Although it may have a great trigger, I see no reason for getting a sometimes-reliable gun platform when there are so many modern and reliable .45 caliber pistols around today. In my opinion, the gun should work perfectly out of the box with as many hollowpoint bullet styles as possible. No aftermarket gunsmithing or tweaking should be required to get any gun ready for CCW.

It's funny to see people jump on an HK just because it's an HK, while comparing it to just any old 1911 platform.

HK45's platform hasn't even been out very long. How can one automatically give assurance just because some 1911s built out there aren't even built to spec for reliability?

There are plenty of reliable out-of-the-box 1911s built by reputable companies that don't need to have a black in their eye due to some other manufacturers botching the platform.
Why should reliability have to come with a high price tag?

You know, I'm willing to bet that Glock fanatics are asking the same thing about HKs....

Why aren't low-end 1911s tested and made to be reliable before they are shipped?

RIA makes a very low end 1911 and they've been known for reliable operation.

Why aren't HKs tested for proper function of the slide release before being shoved out their door?


New member
You know, I'm willing to bet that Glock fanatics are asking the same thing about HKs....

And Glocks, HKs, Sigs (and a few others) have a worldwide reputation for reliability right out of the box with no further work required.

That's why the world's police and military forces use them. How many police or military forces use the RIA 1911 right out of the box without some major work?

Thanks, but no thanks. I have no interest in keeping a gunsmith on speed dial or in flipping a coin with a 1911. For CCW, I want a gun that works.


New member
Reliability does not have to cost an arm and a leg with a 1911. I own 2 Colts, a Kimber and a SA Loaded model. Only the Kimber was bought new and I have less than $2100 in all of them together. Have never had the first malfunction with ball or hollowpoints.

I had an HK-45 for a few months and mine was not nearly as accurate as my worst 1911, magazines were $60+. Highly overrated in my opinion. My Glock 21 holds more rounds, is more reliable, more accurate, and is $300 cheaper.
That's why the world's police and military forces use them.QUOTE]

I'm not even going to bite. If that's what YOU think why the "worlds" police and military forces uses them, then there's no reason to drift the thread off-topic. By the way, why is there 1911's still present in some other operational forces? Don't need to answer that...

Where is the HK45 being so widely used throughout the world's police and military? You don't need to answer that, either. I know what the correct answer is...and it isn't yours.

How many police or military forces use the RIA 1911 right out of the box without some major work?

So, you want to take a meager example and make a sweep with a broad brush? Why has the 1911 been around for almost 100 years? You think if they had reliability problems they would have changed to another platform in short order? I'm thinking you don't. I'm thinking they would have. But, a PROPERLY made 1911 is as reliable as any other. The platform has been proven to be reliable, accurate, and safe.

And Glocks, HKs, Sigs (and a few others) have a worldwide reputation for reliability right out of the box with no further work required.

My question to you again: Why aren't HKs tested for proper function of the slide release before being shoved out their door?

And, like I said, you have your opinion based on the wrong facts. Every manufacturer including the ones you've stated have had problems of some sort. There's not one manufacturer that has a 100% rating of reliability.


Its all about the feel in the hand.....

For me that makes the 1911 the only choice of these two....

People who believe that you have to pay over $1000 to get a reliable 1911 are incorrect.....

DW, S&W, Colt, Springer & many others make great sub $1000 1911s