1911 hammer problem


New member
Hello all, i have a question about my 1911. When pulling the hammer back it seems to go to far, as in it will not fire. I have to push it back up a little in order for it to do so. It only does this if I manually pull it back, if i rack the slide back it works fine. I knoe the simple answer would be dont pull it back with my thumb but this still to me is a problem. :(
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New member
It's possible to over-rotate the hammer on a gun that's partially assembled, but I've never seen one that would over-rotate with the grip safety in place. When firing, the hammer probably is bouncing off of something and resetting, but when thumb-cocked, there's nothing to get it back over center and into contact with the sear. Maybe the hammer strut is too short?


New member
?? Should the length of the hammer strut limit the hammer rotation or should it be the grip safety ?? I know my 1911 hammer has marks on the back because it hits the grip safety when thumb cocking.
Strut or mainspring may be binding when thumb cocking.
Check mainspring housing and mainspring pieces for binding.
Polish inside of mainspring housing, smoothed off sharp edges on the spring and other mainspring pieces if any - cannot hurt, will only help.