1911 build finally complete! for real this time!

this is the third thread for this project. if you want to go back and watch the progression, it started here. then went here.

long story short - just got the final invoice from fusion for the custom work they did for me. the gun should arrive Saturday or Monday. 6 months later, i finally have something to show for my trouble (and the ridiculous amount of money i have tied up).



New member
Nice looking pistol! I especially like the true commander hammer.

From this and other pics you have posted, you and I have virtually the same taste in pistols (and likely the same taste in college football teams too!)...


New member
Did they wind up taking care of you with the new barrel and the extra labor to fix their initial mistakes?

Can't wait to see pictures.


New member
Paying for it would have been cool, but a bit much, as it sounds like they were mismatched from the start, but I would have hoped for a pretty significant discount on the work as what was supposed to take a couple weeks took them months.

I guess the silver lining of the whole situation is that right now you're about to have a brand new custom gun. Had it all gone according to plan, the excitement would have already worn off.


New member
Sounds like you're still getting a lot of gun for the money.
10k rounds from now you'll be talking about a tiny percent difference. Plus you have a way better story than "I bought some parts, and everything worked out as I planned". Never under estimate the value of a good story.
50 rounds down range. no malfunctions. no failures of any kind. still getting used to it. promises to be quite the shooter tho.

My third grouping. First two were "wild"

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