1911 barrel link GRRRRRRRRR


New member
can someone tell me why i cannot get the barrel link to stay forward when i try to reassemble my springfield 1911-A1?Its killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks in advance


You gotta talk to it nice...but short of that, can't you just keep the gun level and have it stay where you want it?


New member
lol you guys are kidding right!?!?!?ok so if anyone has any real ideas.besides holding it upside down,grease and talking nice.please let me know lol.i already treid everything but the grease


Let me understand this. With the gun pointed at the ground, after inserting the barrel, link down, the barrel link still flips the other direction?
Assemble it in the sights-on-the-deck (upside down) position. You can flip it rightside-up after you get everything where it should be. Hopefully, you will be able to see the hole in the barrel-link hanging close to the hole in the slide and you can stick your slide-release doodad right in there.

This is not rocket science... breathe deeply, calm down, and try it again.


New member
with the barrel upside down and or pointed at the ground it still flips.i almost shot it with my glock.i have had the same problem before but was always able to get it. this time it seems like a no go.I would assume that the barrel link should move freely.i'm at a loss .thanks for the help so far.


New member
<<<<<<< dumbass.I got it.I wont tell you the dumb move i was making but I finally realized what i was doing wrong.Thanks again for the help


New member
upside down is per the springer manual....keep it upside down until you get the slide all the way on the frame...grease on the link is a good idea. if you get it close take a tooth pick or a small bamboo skewer and run it thu the hole to finalize alignment


New member
Actually the grease, when applied liberally, will help stabilize the link and prevent it from flopping around.


New member
I feel your pain. I spent most of an afternoon recently trying to reassemble my Kimber Ultra Carry II, and what I was doing was (1) trying to do it right side up (upside down really does work better) and (2) depressing the grip safety, which is a no-no.

Took my husband 15 seconds to do it when he got home. :eek:
