1911 barrel fitting question

Joe Portale

New member
I need to cut the lugs on a 1911 barrel to get it to fit properly. Called Brownells and was told that the Tom WIlson Lug Cutter listed in their catalogue was 'discontinued at the factory". Did a fast web search and turned up nothing on "Tom WIlson Company" and variants of the name.

I have never had to cut the lower lugs before. So here are the questions:

1) Is there another source, make or outlet for this or a similar tool?

2) Would someone be kind enough to talk me through fitting the lugs using a file? Things like how to determin how much to take off, where to cut and where to stay away from and so on would be appreciated. I look through Khunhausen and he refered to the tool that I mentioned above.


George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
Joe, if you have Hallock's .45 Auto handbook, Pistolsmithing by Nonte, or Kuhnhausen's shop manual, they all cover this pretty well. George

Dave Sample

I used a 3/16th's inch chainsaw file for years. WARNING ! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
Why do you want to do this and what kind of barrel is it? Caspian has a new Drop In Barrel that is really very nice. Are you a Pistolsmith? What kind of 1911 is it?