1858 Remington: Which Units?


New member
Does anyone know of any specific units that were issued the 1858 New Army during the Civil War or Indian Wars? I know the Army Colt was in high use but I've never heard of any Remingtons being issued even though I'm sure the government bought a bunch. Were they mostly used by soldiers who purchased them privately or civilians?


New member
My understanding (and at times it can be pretty questionable) is that most cavalry regiments got them, at least in the last couple of years of the Civil War and then on until the mid-1870s.


New member
The Union bought 3,000 Beals, 125,314 Armies and 4,901 Navies. Many infantry units were issued revolvers in the beginning only to have them lose them or throw them away or send them home.


New member
Just remember that what is referred to as a "1858" Remington, is actually a 1863 new model army so it was not around till about mid 1863 or so.

Bishop Creek

New member
True but the Remington Model 1861 Army .44 was almost identical except for the loading lever which had a cutout for pulling the cylinder pin out, and thus the cylinder itself, without lowering the loading lever. The U.S. Army ordered a number of these in 1861 and '62.

The New Model Army of 1863, or as we call it, the 1858 Model, replaced the cutout loading lever with the one we are familier with today to emliminate the shortcoming of the Model 1861 in which the pin would sometimes come loose allowing the cylinder to fall out while firing the weapon.

The New Model Army of 1863 later became the first big bore cartridge handgun adopted by the U.S. Army for use in the Indian wars when they were first converted by Remington to fire .46 cal cartridges in 1868.
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New member
Right you are, but I was pointing out that what people refer to as a "1858" isn't. Some do not know that and are under the impression that they came out in 1858.