160g data


New member
I was given some 160g TMJ and I don't have the info. for 160g ,using unique powder in the .40. I have two books that have 150,155,165, and 170 data, I could guess. some were around 7g's of unique?

Paul B.

New member
JHS. Use the data for the 165 gr. bullet. 5 gr. less bullet weight won't affect anything at all.
Paul B.

Mal H

... with the caveat that you should be comparing like for like as far as the bullets go. TMJ usually implies a plated lead bullet (e.g., Rainier), not a copper jacketed one. So be sure you use the data for the right type. 7 gr. of Unique sounds like too much for a jacketed bullet and is definitely too much for a plated bullet. If your into guessing, you should guess on the low or starting load side.


New member
The rule-of-thumb I was told by an experienced loader was to use the powder load data midway between lead and FMJ of same bullet weights for the copper plated bullets like Raniers and Berrys. Regards, Mikey